Doing business with us - procurement - In this section
In this section

Documents, links, permits and resources

At Central Highlands Regional Council, safety is paramount. We want everyone to go home safely at the end of each day.

Our Contractor Management System helps to ensure that contractors meet safety compliance requirements while assisting contractors to mobilise quickly and easily.

All contractors must ensure they are meeting their WHS obligations as a PCBU as set out under the QLD WHS Act 2011 when carrying out works on council sites.

Site specific hazards and risks and further information can be obtained from your council representative (Council Contract Owner) prior to arrival to site.

There are a series of legislative requirements that must be completed or undertaken by the contractor prior to commencing work with council.

All contractors MUST register in council’s contractor database LinkSafe and complete all relevant safety inductions prior to commencing work with council.

The contractor management process requires that all documentation must be available for review by council upon request.

It is mandatory that all contractors registering with council must upload their proof of identification onto their LinkSafe profile.

If you are conducting minor works for council you will be required to complete a Contractor Safety Permit in conjunction with your council representative, prior to commencing.

For larger works, council’s tender engagement process applies.

A contractor must be able to demonstrate they have a safe system of work in place for their scope of works.

Council’s Work Health and Safety Policy also provides further context on council’s working requirements.

If you have any concerns or questions, please call us on 1300 242 686 and ask to speak with your council representative (Contract Owner).

Assistance in meeting your WHS legal obligations is also available through WHSQ who have a Safety Fundamentals Toolkit to assist small to medium businesses develop and implement sustainable health, safety and injury management systems – for more information please click on this link.



  • Documents and links
  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

    A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) is a written document that identifies high risk construction work activities being undertaken, health and safety hazards arising from the activities, and the control measures to be implemented, monitored, and reviewed to manage them. 

    SWMS MUST be provided for any of the following high-risk construction work activities: 

    • involves a risk of a person falling more than 2 m 
    • is carried out on a telecommunication tower 
    • involves demolition of an element of a structure that is load-bearing, 
    • involves demolition of an element of a structure that is related to the physical integrity of the structure 
    • involves, or is likely to involve, disturbing asbestos 
    • involves structural alteration or repair that requires temporary support to prevent collapse 
    • is carried out in or near a confined space 
    • is carried out in or near a shaft or trench deeper than 1.5 m or a tunnel 
    • involves the use of explosives 
    • is carried out on or near pressurised gas mains or piping 
    • is carried out on or near chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines 
    • is carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services 
    • is carried out in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable atmosphere 
    • involves tilt-up or precast concrete 
    • is carried out on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or other traffic corridor in use by traffic other than pedestrians 
    • is carried out in an area of a workplace where there is any movement of powered mobile plant 
    • is carried out in areas with artificial extremes of temperature 
    • is carried out in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of drowning 
    • involves diving work. 


    Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Queensland provide information and guidance for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) regarding SWMS. 

  • Permit to work
  • Asbestos Related Works

    Asbestos related work, where asbestos, asbestos containing material (ACM) or assumed asbestos has been identified, is defined as: 

    • renovations or any modifications to a building, structure or a room,
    • illegal dumping on local government-controlled land or road corridors,
    • unexpected find or accidental damage,
    • demolition of a building, structure or room,
    • removal or relocation (partial or full) of a building or structure,
    • asbestos related work involving asbestos other than removal work (refer to s.419 of QLD WHS Regulation for exemptions).

    Prior to carrying out asbestos related work:

    • Consult council’s Asbestos register.
    • Consult with your council contract owner and complete all council inductions, contractor permits and approvals.
    • Complete an Asbestos related work permit.
    • Where applicable, prepare and submit asbestos removal control plans and safe work method statements.
    • Where applicable, prepare and submit Form 65 to WorkSafe QLD – complete five days prior to work commencing.
    • Ensure fit testing certificates for all workers undertaking the removal work.
    • Ensure all licenses are in place (nominated supervisors, assessor licence, business class A and class B licenses).

    During the work

    After completion of asbestos related work 

    • Complete all permits and approvals with your Council representative (contract owner).
    • Submit waste tracking forms and clearance certificates, air monitoring results and any other relevant asbestos related documentation to so we can update our asbestos register accordingly.
  • Tools and resources
  • Contractor care

    Following a serious workplace incident in December 2014, council embarked on a journey to transform the health and safety culture of our organisation.

    Choosing an enforceable undertaking over prosecution, council committed to implementing 51 deliverables over three years to improve safety.

    Lessons learnt include:

    • Leadership and consultation are the immediate focus to sustain improvements
    • Contractor care and a thorough procurement process are vital, with half of our work delivered by external workers
    • Safety is everyone’s responsibility
    • Our safety maturity has improved, but we still have a long way to go
    • Things happen, but we can and should plan for success