Welcome to the home of arts and culture in the Central Highlands. You’ll find information on local support, services and programs in the following pages.

Central Highlands Arts & Cultural Advisory Committee

  • About CHACAC

    The Central Highlands Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee (CHACAC):

    CHACAC is a council committee established to encourage the participation and optimum service delivery for CHRC communities in arts, cultural and heritage programs, projects and activities.


    • Provide input and community perspectives into council’s strategic documents related to arts, culture and heritage.
    • Support implementation of council’s strategic documents related to arts, culture and heritage.
    • Advocate on behalf of the region’s arts, culture and heritage communities.
    • Seek external funds to support arts, culture and heritage projects, programs and activities.
    • Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) program duties.

    As a committee member you will share your knowledge of arts, cultural and heritage sectors to:

    • Provide expert advice on issues affecting the arts, cultural and heritage sectors in our region.
    • Identify strategic directions for the arts, cultural and heritage sectors.
    • Provide leadership in the development and review of arts, culture and heritage policies and strategies.
    • Evaluate applications and projects to receive Regional Arts Development Funding (RADF) for endorsement by council.
    • Provide a conduit for broader sector and community engagement in consultation processes.
    • Implement the Creative Cultural Futures Strategy and Heritage Action Plan in partnership with council and community.
    • Attendance at RADF assessment meetings, planning and project meetings, community engagement activities.
    • And much more.

    Read the full terms of reference for CHACAC members.

  • Join the committee

    If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please:


    If you have any questions about the committee or the nomination process, please contact

    Arts and Cultural Officer

    Central Highlands Regional Council

    E: CHgalleries@chrc.qld.gov.au

    Ph: 1300 242 686

  • Current members and interests
    MemberInterestsContact details
    Cr Gai SypherSupporting arts and culturegsypher@chrc.qld.gov.au
    0407 842 622
    Cr Gillian WilkinsSupporting arts and culturegwilkins@chrc.qld.gov.au
    0427 092 705
    Ben RobertsonVisual art, theatre, digital artb.robertson1@cqu.edu.au
    0437 886 526
    Meisha GreentreeVisual art, digital art, dance, music, museums and galleries
  • Committee meeting dates & minutes
  • Central Highlands Gallery Volunteer Team

    The volunteers team is involved with the arts events and exhibitions at the Emerald and Springsure Galleries. 


    Volunteer with us! 

    Be part of the local arts community, lend a hand with bumping in and out exhibitions, and contribute your ideas to the Central Highlands arts and cultural scene. 


    If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or have any questions, please contact the Arts and Cultural Officer -Galleries: Vashti Bardsley, 1300 242 686vbardsley@chrc.qld.gov.au