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Initial enquiries regarding Australian citizenship, applications and approval should be directed to the Department of Home Affairs – Australian Citizenship. The Department of Home Affairs is open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted directly on 13 18 81.

Choosing to become an Australian Citizen is an important expression of commitment to Australia.

The Department of Home Affairs will notify us once applications for citizenships have been approved.  We will provide you with a ceremony date and send you a letter of invitation to attend a Citizenship ceremony.

  • When and where are Australian Citizenship ceremonies held?

    Central Highlands Regional Council hosts ceremonies throughout the year, held in the Council Chambers, Council Administration Building, 65 Egerton Street, Emerald,  with Australia Day being the most popular.

    Ceremonies generally take about  one hour with time for photo opportunities at the end.  We request you arrive 15 minutes prior to the ceremony start time.

    Family and friends are invited to attend the ceremonies.

  • Day of the ceremony - Things you need to know

    What to Wear

    People attending citizenship ceremonies usually wear smart casual clothing.  If you wish to wear traditional dress you are more than welcome to do so.

    What to Bring

    You are required to bring with you, photographic identification – a current driver’s licence or passport is sufficient.  These documents are required as proof of identification to take part in the Ceremony and for completion of an Electoral Enrolment Form (further information is available from the Australian Electoral Commission).

    Please Note: children under 16 years of age do not need to provide identification.

    What happens at the Ceremony

    A citizenship ceremony consists of:

    • Mayor’s welcome
    • Reading the minister’s message
    • Citizenship preamble
    • Citizenship pledges
    • Presentation of citizenship certificates
    • The Australian National Anthem

    You would have nominated which Pledge you are making when you filled out your application form with the Department of Home Affairs.  HA has advised us of your nominated Pledge and you will receive your nominated Pledge card at the Ceremony.

    If you are taking Pledge 1 (under God), you are welcome to bring a holy book of your choice to make your Pledge on.

    Australian Citizenship Pledge No. 1 (Oath)

    “From this time forward, under God,
    I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
    whose democratic beliefs I share,
    whose rights and liberties I respect, and
    whose laws I will uphold and obey”.

    Australian Citizenship Pledge No. 2 (Affirmation)

    “From this time forward,
    I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
    whose democratic beliefs I share,
    whose rights and liberties I respect, and
    whose laws I will uphold and obey”.

    Your Certificate

    Once you have made the pledge, you will then receive your citizenship certificate.

    Your citizenship certificate is an important document, which you should look after.  You will need it when you apply for an Australian passport.