Environment - In this section
In this section

Pests and nuisances

A pest is any animal or plant that has an adverse economic, environmental or social impact on a particular place. Major catchments such as the Comet River, Nogoa River, Theresa Creek, McKenzie River and Lower Dawson River flow into the Fitzroy River, thereby making pest animal and plant control in the Central Highlands local government area vitally important.

The Biosecurity Act 2014 outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the council and the landholders. This legislation also delegates the responsibility of controlling declared pests on private land onto the land owners.

We have also adopted a biosecurity plan that incorporates our strategic outcomes. It includes clear and achievable goals with targets to be achieved within the life of the plan for sustainable management and control of pest plants and animals in the region.

Wash down facilities

Please use the wash down facilities in the region to help minimise the spread of pest weeds.

Our wash down facilities are located at:

  • Emerald Saleyards – Batts St, Emerald (Off Capricorn Highway)
  • Springsure – Dip Access Road, Springsure (Off Gregory Highway)
  • Duaringa – Opposite old saleyards, turnoff south side of golf course
  • Rolleston – One Mile Road, Rolleston (Off Blackwater Rolleston Road)


  • Emerald – 65 cents / minute
  • Rolleston, Springsure and Duaringa – $3.00/ 15 minutes


Trapping for mosquitoes usually occurs once every two weeks throughout the summer months.  The frequency of trapping is largely dependent on weather conditions.  When setting mosquito traps, random locations are selected around town; usually in yards with cool dark places protected from the wind or street lights.

When traps are collected, the mosquitoes are counted and identified. Numbers and species types will decide the method of control used, and in large rainfall events more than one type of control method may be necessary.

Residents can also play a huge part in helping reduce mosquito numbers. Download the Mozzies and You brochure for helpful tips.

Mosquitoes can spread disease to humans and animals.