Saleyards facility, services and committee

The Emerald Livestock Selling Association hold a combined fat and store sale at the Emerald Saleyards most Thursdays starting at 8.00 am.

Curfew for sale cattle is 7.00 pm on the Wednesday night prior to the sale. Sale cattle are NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) scanned prior to the sale.

For the latest market reports visit the Meat and Livestock Australia website and select ‘Emerald’ from the Saleyard dropdown menu. Select the ‘Report Date’ from the Date dropdown menu.

  • Services

    The Emerald Saleyards is well placed, with the region being serviced by major freight routes including the north and south link between Charters Towers and northern New South Wales. This is indentified as the inland transport alternative route between Cairns and Melbourne. The majority of cattle are transported by road, however, Watco provides a regular schedule of cattle services via rail which travel from Emerald to Rockhampton and Brisbane abattoirs.


    The Emerald Saleyards provides the following services to support local and transit livestock producers:

    • Weekly auction sales
    • Stud sales
    • Private weighing
    • Plunge dip
    • Certified inspection and/or treatment
    • Feeding
    • Spelling


    Bookings are essential for all services

    Bookings outside standard operating hours are not guaranteed unless confirmed.

    Contact the Saleyards Office for all bookings


    Accredited certifier for horses and cattle

    Kira McKee: 0428 964 113


  • Conditions of entry


    The Emerald Saleyards has a Biosecurity Management Plan. All users of the facility must adhere to the following conditions of entry at minimum: 

    • All consignments have a National Vendor Declaration or saleyards issued Outward Movement Record with copy provided to the Senior Saleyards Officer to meet National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) requirements. 
    • No outside feed or fodder is to be brought into the saleyards without prior approval from the Saleyards Manager. 
    • Strictly no feeding on the concreted area. 
    • A Commodity Vendor Declaration and / or Fodder Declaration must be provided for all feed brought into the saleyards. 
    • Strictly no stock feed containing Restricted Animal Material (RAM). 
    • The wash down bay is the designated wash out area for livestock carriers to wash out effluent / empty tanks. 
    • Those who must have contact with animals should wear clean PPE (come to the yards showered and in fresh clothes, boots should not be overly dirty). 
    • Where possible, those who have attended overseas within the last seven days should not attend the saleyards. 
    • No unauthorised vehicles are to access restricted areas. 


    Work Health and Safety 

    The Emerald Saleyards has a Work Health and Safety Plan. All users of the facility must be inducted to the site as a condition of entry. Contact the Saleyards Office to request a site induction. 

    No unauthorised persons are to access restricted areas. No unauthorised persons are to operate CHRC machinery, plant or equipment. 

    Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking area. 

    Members of the public must not enter the saleyards other than the designated public access catwalks and veiwing platforms. 

  • Facility features

    The Emerald Saleyard facility is a modern complex designed to give the best presentation of your cattle with the following features:

    • 220 steel selling pens with concrete floor and water
    • new double decker dump ramp
    • double decker loading ramp
    • covered buyers walk ways and draft
    • European Union Accreditation
    • dip has nil withholding & nil ESI
    • high pressure high volume wash down facility
    • drive-through underbody wash
    • wheelchair access to buyers walkways
    • liveweight scales
    • half deck weigh bridge
    • full deck weigh bridge
    • NLIS scanners
    • spelling and feed available
    • canteen on sale days
    • wheelchair access to the eastern side selling pens


  • Advisory Committee

    The Emerald Saleyards Advisory Committee is a reference group established as a forum for communication on matters relating to the saleyards, accessible to all stakeholders and the community.

    The Emerald Saleyards Advisory Committee will meet on a quarterly basis in Emerald, to consider matters referred to it from Central Highlands Regional Council, Emerald Livestock Selling Association, Agforce, Saleyards management and staff and the community

    Click here to view the Terms of Reference.

    Contact details for the Emerald Saleyards Advisory Committee are as follows:


     Councillor Representatives: Cr Robert Donaldson, Cr Rachael Cruwys, Cr Joseph Burns
     Chairperson: Cr Robert Donaldson
     Executive Officer (to the Committee): General Manager Commercial and Corporate Services (Carolyn Knudsen)

    P | 1300 242 686

     Saleyards Manager: Bronwyn Roberts

    P | 0436 652 661

     Timing of meetings:  Quarterly


  • Fixed Advertising Signs

    Applications for the installation of fixed advertising signs is now available for local businesses.

    All requests to install a fixed advertising sign is subject to council approval.

    The annual fee payable for advertising will be based on the size of the sign installed.  The annual fees can be found within the council’s approved fees and charges.

    Please click here to access the fixed advertising signage application and agreement form.

    Please contact Emerald Saleyards on 4982 1402 or  for further enquiries.

Agents directory

Emerald Livestock Selling Association is the body responsible for conducting sales at the saleyards. They promote the sales and a contractor is employed on the agents’ behalf to unload, draft and pen cattle.

Agency Key Contacts Email Phone Website
RBV Rural Matt Beard

Terry Ray

Bryton Virgo

Tony Prentice

Lachlan Spry

0428 765 687

0427 821 177

0477 318 224

0417 709 778

0438 873 493
Elders Creeden Weir

Beau White

0438 776 867

0458 733 250
GDL Matt Pearce

Will Hogan

Tim Maguire

0429 928 666

0437 498 375

0409 063 053
WBH Livestock and Property Warren Holzwart 0428 872 803
Michael Maguire & Company Pty Ltd Michael Maguire, Duncan Maguire

0400 790 684

0419 025 787
Hoch and Wilkinson Livestock and Property Jack Simmons  0488 080 821

07 4983 1555
Nutrien AG Bruce Sheppard 0418 184 387

Contact us

Standard operating hours: Monday to Friday 7.00 am – 4.00 pm

Bookings are essential for all services.

Bookings outside standard operating hours are not guaranteed unless confirmed.

After Hours Emergencies 1300 242 686


General Enquiries

Saleyards Office 07 4982 1402
Senior Saleyards Officer 0429 554 393
Accounts Enquiries and Credit Applications CHRC Debtors Finance 1300 242 686
Feeding Saleyards Officer 0428 196 766
Accredited Certifier for Cattle Tick Kira McKee 0428 964 113
Loading / Unloading Sale Cattle Outcross Agri-Services 0475 302 542
Saleyards Manager Bronwyn Roberts 0436 652 661
General Manager Commercial and Corporate Services Carolyn Knudsen 1300 242 686