Free Wi-Fi (wireless internet) is available at the branches below:
Physical Collection
All members of the CHRC Library Service can borrow 20 physical items at one time; 10 of which can be AV items (audio books, DVDs). Loans are for a period of 4 weeks and able to be renewed if not reserved by another member.
BorrowBox App Collection
Users of the BorrowBox app can borrow 12 eBooks and 12 eAudio Books at one time for a period of 14 days. Electronic resources can be renewed and are able to be returned at any time. If not manually returned, the items will automatically return upon the due date.
QM Loans is the Queensland Museum’s community-access lending library. Borrowers have access to museum objects in kits that link to Queensland museum collections and support early years learning, school curriculum, or community engagement.
The Queensland Museum delivers a subscription-based Metropolitan Loans service in Brisbane, and partners with regional libraries and museums to act as a Regional Loans depot and provide free access to kits for their local borrowers. Our CHRC Libraries is now a Regional Loans Depot ensuring access to the kits across the Central Highlands.
Current Kits
For more information or to enquire about a kit, please contact the Emerald Library branch.
The CHRC Library Service has created a new collection of resources available to loan called ‘UpSkill Collection’. these are resources in all different formats to aid your personal, team, or bushiness professional development journey.
Ask you nearest library about this collection or search ‘UpSkill’ in the online catalogue Montage.
The CHRC Library Service has created a new collection of resources available to loan called ‘Learning Kits’.
These are resources for literacy, numeracy, sign language, braille, yoga, and more. Ask your nearest library about this collection or search ‘learning’ in the online catalogue Montage.
If you are part of, or starting, a Book Club, your nearest CHRC Library branch has resources for your group. Digital collections and Book Club Sets (including conversation prompts and 9 copies of the book) are all available to be borrowed our to your club.
We swap and purchase new sets all the time.
Book Club Sets are available at all of our libraries.
Terms and Conditions
To organise an exam, please contact your nearest library branch
Staff can select library items and resources from the collection and deliver them to you fortnightly. Items that are not available locally may be available from other libraries in the region. With a combination of books, DVDs, magazines and audio books we have a little something for everyone. We also have a wide range of large print books for those with vision difficulties.
To sign up, please contact:
Free PACs (Public Access Computers) are available at all CHRC Library branches, with no need to book a PAC.
Princh is our printing solution enabled on all PACs and via the Princh website.
It is now available via both the app and a QR code. Printing is aligned with council fees and charges and can be paid with the below options:
Princh ID codes for each branch are below:
First 5 Forever is an ongoing, state wide project that is aimed at children ages 0-5 years. Families are encouraged to join in programs and events delivered by the CHRC Library Service; as well as pick up a free First 5 Forever goodies bag from your nearest library branch.
A child’s vocabulary is developed within the first five years of age; affecting their learning all through primary and secondary school; and even during adult years. The First 5 Forever program helps parents prepare their children for a lifetime of learning through play based learning.
Contact your nearest library branch and find out about Baby Rhyme Time and Kids Time sessions, free First 5 Forever bags, First 5 Book Kits to be borrowed, and tips to keep your sanity while building your child’s vocabulary, learning skills and interacting.
For more information on First 5 Forever, view this short video from the Queensland Government.
Membership is free for all in the community. Photo identification must be sighted before joining. Adult and Junior memberships are available.
Conditions of Membership
As a member of CHRC Libraries, I agree to:
Adult Membership
Junior Membership
All branches offer a free temporary membership for travellers. Photo identification must be sighted, and a form completed to join as a temporary member.
Temporary Members are entitled to:
Access our library collection through Montage to search, reserve items, renew your loans
Hundreds of videos by leading parenting educators, to support the all forms of parenting and care of children from pregnancy, birth, up until teens.
Over 450 diverse stories, with new stories added regularly · Quick and easy search filters and playlist functions
This eResource allows kids choose from thousands of audio-picture books in 65+ languages, together with English translations
Australian resource about “Everything Books” including plenty of independent reviews, articles, trivia and more
Access the National Geographic Kids Magazine, a selection of National Geographic books, images and multimedia
Highly visual, that provides a comprehensive view of the most-studied science topics. Users can explore 3D models by zooming in, rotating, or pulling them apart
Access a complete archive of National Geographic Magazines, the Magazine Archive, books, images, maps and videos
Aussie Driver provides free access to learners practice tests and the official Queensland driver's manual
Access articles on how computers work - hardware, software, internet and lots more
Whether you know exactly what you want to do, or have no clue, Skillsroad will help you work in a career that best suits you
Access a library of eBooks and eAudio Books using your library membership on your computer
Access a library of eBooks and eAudio Books using your library membership in one app
Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, and music
Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts
This subscription provides library members access to two online English courses
Read or listen to books in any language you like with this collection of popular titles
Discover Australian stories and literature with your library card
Join and access all the State Library has to offer for free
Trove provides free access to digitised newspapers from across Australia
Use your State Library membership to access PressReader
Get started on your family tree research at home or at your nearest library
Access the Queensland Governments Births, Deaths and Marriage records
War burial records searchable online for your convenience
Military Service Records are searchable online for your convenience
SLQ provides free access to family history research resources online for your convenience