Booking a venue

To make a booking in any of these spaces, please visit council’s online booking system, Bookable.

Paper based form

Alternatively, you can complete a manual facility booking form or parks booking form and email the form to or return to your nearest council office.

Venue fees and charges

Please see our current fees and charges schedule for fees associated to your booking.

Other resources

  • Venues and community facilities – council managed


    Facility Address
    Bauhinia Bauhinia Community Hall Fletcher Way, Bauhinia
    Blackwater Blackwater Activity Centre 31 Littlefield Street, Blackwater
    Blackwater Civic Centre 20 Blain Street, Blackwater
    Blackwater Community Centre 14 Wey Street, Blackwater
    Capella Capella Cultural Centre 89 Peak Downs Street, Capella
    Dingo Dingo Community Hall 10 Normanby Street, Dingo
    Duaringa Duaringa Community Centre 29 Elizabeth Street, Duaringa
    Duaringa Old Library 12 William Street, Duaringa
    Emerald Emerald Town Hall 33 Egerton Street, Emerald
    McIndoe Function Centre McIndoe Park, Opal Street, Emerald
    Rolleston Rolleston Memorial Hall 17 Warrijo Street, Rolleston
    Rolleston Transaction Centre 17 Warrijo Street, Rolleston
    Rolleston Community Centre 10 Meteor Street, Rolleston
    Springsure Bauhinia Memorial Hall 31 Eclipse Street, Springsure
    Tieri Tieri Transaction Centre Corner Grasstree and Anncrouye St, Tieri
  • Community halls and facilities – community managed
    Locality Facility Address Community Group
    Capella Capella Peak Downs Community Hall 41 Peak Downs Street, Capella Peak Downs Community Hall Committee
    Comet Comet Community Hall 33 Ballard Street, Comet Comet School of Arts Committee
    Rubyvale Rubyvale Community Hall 7 Burridge Road, Rubyvale Rubyvale Progress Association
    Sapphire Sapphire Community Hall 11 Rethammel Road, Sapphire Gemmy Quilters
    Willows  Willows Recreation Centre Corner Willows Road and Cabochon Street, Willows Willows Gemfields and District Recreation Club Inc.
  • Sporting facilities – council managed
    Locality Facility Address
    Blackwater Hunter Street Sports Precinct 30 Hunter Street, Blackwater
    Blackwater Aquatic Centre Meeting Room 51 Hunter St, Blackwater
    Blackwater Showgrounds 30 Ardurad Road, Blackwater
    Bluff Bluff Maccas Oval 68 Main Street, Bluff
    Capella Bridgeman Park Sporting Complex and Showgrounds Hibernia Road, Capella
    Duaringa Duaringa Sporting Complex Capricorn Highway, Duaringa
    Emerald Emerald Indoor Sports Complex 116 Borilla Street, Emerald
    Emerald Morton Park Sporting Fields Dundas Street, Emerald
    Emerald Rundle Park Opal Street, Emerald
    Emerald Showgrounds 26654 Capricorn Highway, Emerald
    McIndoe Park Fields McIndoe Park, Opal Street, Emerald
    Rolleston Rolleston Sportsgrounds Sportsground Road, Rolleston
    Sapphire Roy Day Park 900 Anakie-Sapphire Road, Sapphire
    Springsure Bauhinia Park Showgrounds 30A Barcoo Street, Springsure
    Springsure Multipurpose Clubhouse 30A Barcoo Street, Springsure
    Springsure Racecourse 29 Racecourse Road, Springsure
  • Parks and open spaces

    Park booking form here

    Locality Park Address
    Anakie Alan King Park 2 Evans Street, Anakie Siding
    Blackwater All Abilities Park 33 Bendee Crescent, Blackwater
    Dempsey Park 70 Bauman Way, Blackwater
    Lions Park Mackenzie Street, Blackwater
    Robyn Messer Park 25 Mackenzie Street, Blackwater
    Rotary Park Wattle Street, Blackwater
    Horseshoe Park Mackenzie Street, Blackwater
    Stower Park 32 Stower Street, Blackwater
    Japanese Gardens Capricorn Highway, Blackwater
    Sunshine Park 121 Blain Street, Blackwater
    Bluff Lions Park 1 Church Street, Bluff
    Tom Ohl Park 68 Main Street, Bluff
    Capella Amaroo Park


    Corner Crinum and Burn Street, Capella
    Memorial Park 12 Crinum Crescent, Capella
    Lions Park Peak Downs Street, Capella
    Geo Park (Linear Parklands) Peak Downs Street, Capella
    Comet Leichardt Dig Tree Rest Area Comet Water Shed Road, Comet
    Dingo Progress Park 21 Cairns Street, Dingo
    Duaringa Mackenzie Park 30 Theresa Street, Duaringa
    Emerald Emerald Botanical Garden


    Opal Street, Emerald

    Rifle Range Road, Emerald

    Apex Park Dundas Street, Emerald
    Barry Slack Park Slack Drive, Emerald
    Campbell Street Parkland Campbell Street, Emerald
    Charlie Woods Park Centenary Drive, Emerald
    Gairi Park Hospital Road, Emerald
    Kipling Park Colleen Avenue, Emerald
    Lawrie and Myra Stanton Park 33 Martin Place, Emerald
    Library Park Corner Dawn Crescent and Judith Grove, Emerald
    Lions Park 44 Borilla Street, Emerald
    Maranda Heights Park Ruby Street, Emerald
    Margaret Gibson Park Canterbury Road, Emerald
    Margaret Gibson Park Staal Crescent, Emerald
    Off Leash Dog Park Rifle Range Road, Emerald
    Peet Park Carrington Place
    Rotary Park Hospital Road, Emerald
    Steve Bell Park Glovar Street, Emerald
    Sunrise Rotary Park Park Avenue, Emerald
    Vicki Peters Park Rifle Range Road, Emerald
    Rolleston Beazley Park Corner Meteor Street and Dawson Highway, Rolleston
    Rubyvale Rubyvale Flats Park Rubyvale-Capella Road, Rubyvale
    Sapphire Kangoulu Park Rockhound Road, Sapphire
    Springsure Lions Park 50 Dip Access Road, Springsure
    Rich Memorial Park 17 William Street, Springsure
    Tieri Lions Park


    Corner Crinum Road and Talagai Avenue, Tieri
    Crinum Park Malvern Avenue, Tieri
  • Skatepark facilities
    Locality Address
    Blackwater Corner Mackenzie and Wattle Street, Blackwater
    Bluff Lions Park, 1 Church Street, Bluff
    Capella 6 Arbour Street, Capella
    Dingo Progress Park, 21 Cairns Street, Dingo
    Emerald Dundas Street, Emerald
    Rolleston Beazley Park, Corner Meteor Street and Dawson Highway, Rolleston
    Sapphire 7 Flagon Alley Road, Sapphire
    Springsure Corner Eclipse and Leichardt Street, Springsure