What is Right to Information?

The Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) aim to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection of an individual’s privacy. We are committed to providing access to information held by Central Highlands Regional Council in accordance with this legislation, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information or would amount to public interest harm. 

The Right to Information Act and Information Privacy Act  both came into effect on 1 July 2009, replacing the Freedom of Information Act 1992. 

The ‘right to information’ gives you the right under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) to access information held by council, unless there is a good reason for it not to be provided. You also have a right to access your personal information held by government under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and request amendments of your personal information. 

More information is available on the Queensland Government website: Right to Information | About Queensland and its government | Queensland Government 

  • Accessing Information
  • Making an Application
  • Fees, Charges and Timeframes
  • Disclosure Logs
  • Accessing Information

Council is committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information about council services, activities and business operations.

You can check to see if the information you seek is already available:

Many council documents are also available for inspection or purchase.

For information that is not normally publicly available, you will need to make an application under the Right to Information Act or Information Privacy Act.

Please see the “Making an Application” tab above to obtain details on how to make an application for access to information.

  • Making an Application

Requests for access to documents under RTI and IP legislation exclude documents that are readily available by other means.  If you have not been able to find the information you are looking for through our website or by requesting it from council staff, you may wish to make an application under the RTI Act or IP Act. Further, if you wish to amend any personal information held by council, please make an application under the IP Act. These processes provides a formal means of obtaining documents held by council, and should be used as a last resort. 

Please complete and lodge the Right to Information application form together with your payment of the applicable fee (outlined in “Fees, Charges and Timeframes” tab) either:

  • In person at council’s Customer Service Centres.
  • By mail addressed to,
    “The Right to Information Officer,
    Central Highlands Regional Council,
    PO Box 21, Emerald QLD 4720”
  • By email addressed to enquiries@chrc.qld.gov.au

Please note that you will be required to provide proof of identity with your application, if the application is for access to a document containing your personal information. This may be sighted by councils’ RTI Officer when applying over the counter, or a certified copy of your driver’s licence will need to be submitted with your application if it is submitted via post or email to council.

All applications must clearly identify the specific documents requested or provide sufficient information about the documents, to enable the RTI Officer to identify the documents being sought.

Please note that each application is dealt with individually. Council is not permitted to release personal details as part of an RTI application.

  • Fees, Charges and Timeframes

Application Type

Act Application Fee Proof of Identity Required Processing Fees Access Charges Timeframe for Decision
Non-Personal Information Right to information Act Yes

In accordance with councils’ Fees & Charges

Not applicable If council spends more than 5 hours processing the application a processing fee will apply for each 15 minutes (or part of 15 minutes), including the first five hours, in accordance with councils Fees & Charges The cost incurred by council to give access to a document which may include, transcribing audio records, engaging another entity to search for or retrieve the document/s, relocating the document for access to be given to the document.


Charges per A4 page black and white photocopy in accordance with councils’ Fees & Charges.

25 business days from the day after the application is received by council
Personal Information Information Privacy Act Not applicable Yes Not applicable The cost incurred by council to give access to a document which may include, transcribing audio records, engaging another entity to search for or retrieve the document/s, relocating the document for access to be given to the document.


Charges per A4 page black and white photocopy in accordance with councils’ Fees & Charges.

25 business days from the day after the application is received by council
Personal Information (acting on behalf of another person) Information Privacy Act Not applicable Yes – both parties Not applicable The cost incurred by council to give access to a document which may include, transcribing audio records, engaging another entity to search for or retrieve the document/s, relocating the document for access to be given to the document.


Charges per A4 page black and white photocopy in accordance with councils’ Fees & Charges.

25 business days from the day after the application is received by council
Mixed Application (both personal and non-personal information) Right to Information Act Yes

In accordance with councils Fees & Charges

Yes If council spends more than 5 hours processing the application a processing fee will apply for each 15 minutes (or part of 15 minutes), including the first five hours, in accordance with councils Fees & Charges The cost incurred by council to give access to a document which may include, transcribing audio records, engaging another entity to search for or retrieve the document/s, relocating the document for access to be given to the document.


Charges per A4 page black and white photocopy in accordance with councils’ Fees & Charges.

25 business days from the day after the application is received by council
Amendment of personal information Information Privacy Act Not applicable Yes Not applicable Not applicable

25 business days from the day after the application is received by council

These fees are set by the Queensland Government and updated yearly.

  • Application Fee

    An application fee of $55.75 must be paid when applying for information under the Right to Information Act.  An application is not valid and no action will be taken until this fee is paid.

    The Right to Information Act does not allow the application fee to be waived under any circumstances.

    There may also be other charges relating to the processing of the RTI application and accessing the documents.

  • Processing and Access Charges

    Processing charges apply to access information under the Right to Information Act and must be paid if an application takes more than 5 hours to process.

    The time spent on processing the application is charged at $8.65 for each 15 minutes or part of 15 minutes.

    There may be charges for:

    • time spent searching or retrieving documents
    • making a decision on the application
    • relocation of the document to allow access to the document
    • any written transcript of words recorded contained in the form of sound or shorthand writing
    • photocopying charges $0.25 cents per page (A4 black & white page)

    No processing charge is payable in relation to a document that contains information that is the applicant’s personal information.

  • Charges Estimate Notice

    If an application involves the retrieval of a number of documents and processing charges are applicable a charges estimate notice (CEN) will be sent to advise the estimated cost of processing the application.

    The applicant is required to contact the RTI officer within 20 business days of receiving this notice to:

    • confirm the charges and agree to pay, or
    • amend the application, narrowing the scope of the request thereby reducing the charges, or
    • withdraw the application.

    If the RTI officer is not contacted by the end of the 20 day period, the application will be taken as having been withdrawn.

  • Payment of Charges

    Payment of the processing and access charges must be made before access to the documents is given.  Payment of the agreed processing charges must also be made, even if access to some or all of the documents is refused.

    Payment can be made via the payment methods outlined in the Charges Estimate notice.

  • Waiver of Charges

    Application fees are not able to be waived.

    The Right to Information Act allows processing and access charges to be waived on grounds of financial hardship for individuals and not for profit organizations.

    The sole criteria prescribed for determining whether an individual is experiencing financial hardship is whether the applicant is the holder of a concession card.

    Evidence of this card must be produced upon lodgement of the application.

    Not for profit organisations must apply for a waiver directly to the Information Commissioner at the address below:

    Office of the Information Commissioner
    PO Box 10143
    Adelaide Street
    BRISBANE  QLD  4000
    Fax:  07 3405 1122
    Email:  enquiries@oic.qld.gov.au

  • Disclosure Logs

Our disclosure log provides documents released in response to information requests made under the Right to Information Act 2009, where they do not contain the applicant’s personal information, or are otherwise unsuitable for publication according to legislation.

RTI Disclosure Log