100-year-old raw water pier replaced in Comet

Outlasting countless floods and droughts, Central Highlands Regional Council will retire Comet’s raw water pier installed in the 1880s.

Due to the long-standing infrastructure reaching end of life, council will upgrade the system to more resilient and reliable custom pumps designed to provide sturdy protection from floating branches and debris.

‘We plan to continue the tradition of longevity and predict the upgrades will support the community for another 100 years or more,’ said General Manager Infrastructure and Utilities Jason Hoolihan.

‘In line with the historical nature of this project, we engaged local archaeologists and Traditional Owners to find and protect various items such as stone artefacts, scar trees and other historical objects from the early 20th century.’

The Comet raw water upgrades are part of a $3 million capital works project to improve the region’s water systems.

Council is also replacing the cooling towers in Springsure to reduce water temperature.

Residents should start to see cooler water flowing through their taps over the next few months.

Completing the trifecta, Opal Street Water Treatment Plant in Emerald will receive a chemical dosing upgrade to ensure council can continue to produce high-quality treated drinking water to the community.