Be in the know this magpie swooping season
Posted on September 3, 2021
Spring has sprung, and with it comes bird breeding season where protective male magpies swoop to protect their young.
While September is the height of swooping season, Council’s Ranger Services encourage community members to be aware of magpies when out and about from now until December.
‘Magpie nesting areas can vary each year for many reasons causing swooping zones to change throughout the Central Highlands,’ Ranger Services Coordinator Brett Keys said.
‘If you realise you are in an area where a magpie is swooping, focus on getting out of the way quickly and calmly and alert council,’ Brett Keys said.
Based on community alerts, signage is now at known magpie locations, including Borilla Community Kindergarten and Blackwater State School.
These alerts can be provided by ringing our customer service team on 1300 242 686.
The national magpie alert map is another great tool to share knowledge within the community around magpie swooping areas.
For more information and tips on staying safe from swooping magpies, visit the Department of Environment and Sciences website.