Beef Week launch pad for collective beef road plan

Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes was part of a group of seven mayors from across Central and Western Queensland who descended on Beef Week in Rockhampton on Wednesday to launch a determined campaign to ensure their cattle industry – worth a collective $1.7 billion a year – can continue to grow. 

Mayors from Gladstone, Isaac, Banana, Central Highlands, Woorabinda, Barcaldine and Blackall-Tambo met with industry, state and federal government representatives to call for action to upgrade Queensland’s Beef Corridors – a strategic supply chain of roads stretching more than 2000 kilometres across the region.  

Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes said the group was united and ready to partner with state and federal governments on an infrastructure plan to address beef corridors. 

‘Our conversations last night hit the nerve in some of our state and federal counterparts that our beef corridor roads are vital to ensuring the beef industry and our regions can continue to grow,’ he said. 

The group pleaded for a $400 million investment to seal missing links on partially sealed roads with a view to ongoing beef road infrastructure plans. 

‘If we want this industry to grow and generate much-needed jobs and economic activity then we need to ensure the future health of this critical road network.’ 

The event included a Q&A panel with members representing the diverse beef industry. 

For more information about panel members and the campaign visit Queensland Beef Corridors.