Celebrate National Recycling Week with a bargain bonanza

Choose to reuse this National Recycling Week by selling unwanted items or picking up a bargain at Central Highlands 2021 Garage Sale Trail. 

This year’s Garage Sale Trail will be over two big weekends, 13 – 14 & 20 – 21 of November.

To be included in the Garage Sale Trail map, apply to host a sale on their website

To kick start your bargain hunting, Trash to Treasure Emerald is hosting a store-wide sale from 8 am Saturday 13 November.

Attendees can fill their arms with as many preloved goods as they can carry for just $20 and enjoy a free sausage while they peruse.

Trash to Treasure can be found next to Emerald Resource Recovery Centre.

‘This fun event presents a social way for the community to share items and increase our sustainable efforts,’ said Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes.

‘While the hope is most unused items can find a new home during our Garage Sale Trail, if your spring clean finds objects no longer fit for purpose, there are plenty of recycling options to breathe new life into these unwanted items.’

‘For example, the materials in your old electronic devices can be recovered and used again if recycled in a Mobile Muster box.’ 

To join in the Garage Sale Trail fun, find all participating locations at www.garagesaletrail.com.au.  

Embarking in some spring cleaning this National Recycling Week? Visit the A – Z waste and recycling list to see how to properly dispose of unwanted items not fit for a garage sale.

How to plan your sustainable savvy weekend

  • Spring clean your home and sort your items into garage sale worthy and ready to recycle 
  • Jump on the Garage Sale Trail website find a map of all participating locations
  • Head along to Trash to Treasure Emerald for the $20 sale day