Central Highlands CEO resigns

Central Highlands Regional Council Chief Executive Officer, Mr Scott Mason, has tendered his resignation.

Mr Mason was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in August 2013 coming from Diamantina Shire Council.

Mayor Kerry Hayes paid tribute to Mr Mason’s leadership and thanked him for his invaluable assistance and counsel.

‘We have had the benefit of this energetic, insightful man for nearly eight years, and he has imported much skill and dexterity to the CEO role,’ Mayor Hayes said.

‘Scott has immersed himself in the communities he lives and works in and became an influential regional advocate with great respect from his peers.

‘During his years here, Scott has married his wife Alana and started a family that numbers three beautiful girls to date and we have enjoyed watching his family grow.

‘Professionally, Scott has risen to the chair of the Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council and been instrumental in the revival of Central Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils, achievements that reflect his great knowledge of local government and love of Queensland’s natural resources.

‘Scott has always demonstrated incredible loyalty, great passion and unwavering commitment to his councillors, his staff and to the broader community and we thank him for his service to our region.

‘We wish Scott, Alana and family all the best and know that he is not far away.’

Mr Mason leaves to fill a director role at Townsville City Council. Mayor Hayes said he and fellow councillors looked forward to acknowledging Mr Mason’s legacy in due course.