Council adopts 2021-2022 operational plan

Planning, economic growth and environmental sustainability are some of the major themes of the Central Highlands Regional Council’s new operational plan, which was adopted today.

The plan outlines council’s key activities and objectives for the 2021-2022 financial year.

‘It translates our priorities and services, set out in our five-year corporate plan, into measurable actions for the next 12 months,’ said Acting Chief Executive Officer Michael Parker.

‘Basically, it’s the nuts and bolts of what council does. This is the final year of our current corporate plan, and we look forward to seeing out this chapter of our journey with strength and delivering quality services and infrastructure to our communities.’

Major initiatives for the 2021-22 operational plan include:

  • Metal in March wire art workshops
  • Responsible pet ownership community event
  • Town beautification planning
  • Clean Growth Choices economic and social development program
  • Regional Economic Development Incentive program
  • Development of the next corporate plan
  • Pool safety and general compliance education
  • Emerald evacuation route planning for floods
  • Five planning scheme amendments relating to flood hazards, business improvement and innovation, urban design guidelines, heritage, scenic amenity and Indigenous interests

The full operational plan can be accessed on council’s website here.