Community call for floodplain amendment feedback

Central Highlands Regional Council has commenced work on a Draft Planning Scheme Amendment for improved floodplain management, under the new Our Region, Our Resilience program.

After a community roadshow and an initial call for feedback in 2021, council has now received approval from the Deputy Premier as the Planning Minister to seek formal community feedback on the proposed draft amendment to the planning scheme.

‘Many community members came forward in 2021 and shared valuable insights and suggestions on how to create more prepared, responsive and resilient regional communities,’ Manager Planning and Environment Kirstin Byrne said.

‘This community feedback, along with recently updated flood data, has been utilised and incorporated into the draft amendment. We have launched the flood portal,  a Regional Queensland first to provide our community with up to date flood information at the touch of a button.

‘As a next step we want to check back with the community and give everyone a final opportunity to comment on the draft amendment package.

‘Council is inviting community members , especially those who might be looking to develop their properties in the future, to review the draft amendment and consider future effects on how and where the region is able to be developed. .’

Residents can provide comments online via  Have Your Say and ePlan.

‘Flooding affects everybody in the region in some way, and each of our communities flood scenarios are different,’ Mayor Kerry Hayes said.   

‘We know that many of our communities live on floodplains, so we must ensure, where possible, new development does not further the risk of flooding or its impact.

‘This amendment is in the best interests of all our communities, so we urge you to give any feedback you may have.’

Residents will have 20 business days to lodge a formal submission before the closing date of 4 March 2022. Following submissions, council will finalise the amendment, including any changes as a result of the consultation, respond to submissions and provide back to the Minister seeking approval to adopt.

To obtain a document copy or find out more about the Draft Planning Scheme Amendment for Floodplain Management’s formal submission and feedback process, visit the council website or email submissions directly to