Have your say on new five year plan for Central Highlands

Cover page of the draft Central Highlands Regional Council Corporate Plan 2022-2027.

The Central Highlands Regional Council has today released the draft of its new five-year corporate plan for public feedback.

Councils are required by law to have a five-year corporate plan, a document that is central to setting the strategic direction of the organisation.

‘After initial input from community, key stakeholders, councillors and council staff, we have developed a draft Central Highlands Regional Council Corporate Plan 2022-2027,’ Mayor Kerry Hayes said.

‘A corporate plan is council’s main planning tool, providing the basis from which specific council strategies, plans and policies are developed. It provides the focus for how we will invest in infrastructure and guides how we prioritise and deliver programs and services in the short, medium and long term.’

Mayor Hayes said the plan included a new vision and purpose for the region and council, as well as seven ‘destination’ goals.

These destinations are:

  1. reliable services for our community
  2. a diverse and prosperous economy
  3. vibrant, resilient, safe and inclusive communities
  4. a digital future for council and the region
  5. a future-focused workforce
  6. a responsibly managed natural environment
  7. a low carbon future and adapting to a changing climate.

‘Against each of these destination goals, we have outlined key strategies, themes and performance measures for the next five years,’ he said.

‘We hope where we see our region in the future reflects where our community see us heading as well.

‘We all have a job to do with developing a corporate plan, yourself included. All councillors and employees are given the responsibility of achieving this corporate plan and the community is tasked with reviewing the draft plan and giving us feedback.’

Until 13 May 2022, you can view the draft plan and provide your feedback through the following channels:

If you have any enquiries or difficulty providing your feedback you can email us at corporateplan@chrc.qld.gov.au  or call 1300 242 686.