Kids can beat the heat with 70+ school holiday activities across the region!

There’s no excuse for the kids to get bored this summer school holidays, with council’s jam-packed school holiday program stacked with over 70 activities to choose from.

Kicking off on 10 December 2022, activities will take place in Blackwater, Bluff, Capella, Tieri, Emerald, Gemfields, Springsure, Rolleston, Dingo, and Duaringa.

Acting General Manager Suzanne Poulter is proud of the impressive program that’s been put together by the youth and libraries teams.

‘There has been significant effort into planning activities that are accessible and appropriate for a variety of age groups,’ she said.

‘There’s something for everyone – from pool parties to movie days, to robotics building, crafts and even gaming sessions!

‘It’s the perfect way for kids to get out of the house and engage in a safe environment, learn a new skill or even meet a new friend.’

The flagship pool parties will be held at all aquatic centres over the holidays with free entry.

For all the details and to book your spot, visit the school holidays program on councils website or call 1300 242 686

Events are organised in partnership with CTM Links, Anglicare Central Queensland, Emerald PCYC, and CHRC Youth Advisory Groups.

Please note: Parental permission is required for activities involving travel and minimum age applies for some activities. All activities require booking or sign on and participant number limits apply.