New corporate plan marks start of new journey for Central Highlands

Central Highlands Regional Council has this week adopted a new five-year corporate plan.

A corporate plan is council’s main planning tool, providing the basis from which specific council strategies, plans and policies are developed.

Mayor Kerry Hayes said this was the fourth corporate plan for the Central Highlands and the first under the current council.

‘This is an exciting milestone for us as a council and for our community,’ Mayor Hayes said.

‘After months of planning and consultation, this new plan provides a sense of ownership, clarity and inspiration for the direction and activities of council for the next five years.

‘A lot has changed since the last plan was prepared in 2017, both economically and socially. This plan seeks to build on previous plans to ensure it reflects the contemporary aspirations of our communities.’

Mayor Hayes said the overarching long-term vision for the Central Highlands had been refreshed, but the heart of it remained the same.

‘Our vision is for the Central Highlands to be an inclusive, prosperous and connected regional community providing diverse opportunities for investment, work and lifestyle,’ he said.

‘Our people have invited us to be bold, innovative, caring and to build on the wonderful lifestyle that our places provide. They want us to be respectful of the good things that we have but not be complacent as we are challenged to transition in many ways.

‘Our economies will need to be smarter, more innovative and adaptable. As a local government, we are committing to be advocates, investors, and above all the reliable deliverer of the services that we need.’

The plan includes seven long-term destination goals:

  1. reliable services for our community
  2. a diverse and prosperous economy
  3. vibrant, resilient, safe and inclusive communities
  4. a digital future for council and the region
  5. a future-focused workforce to support council and the region
  6. a responsibly managed natural environment
  7. a low carbon future and adaption to a changing climate.

‘We look forward to now using this plan to guide and deliver our annual budget, capital works program and operational plan for the coming years,’ Mayor Hayes said.

Every local government in Queensland is required to prepare a five-year corporate plan under the Local Government Act 2009.

View the Central Highlands Regional Council Corporate Plan 2022-2027 by visiting our strategic reports page.