Plan your project properly with council

There’s something about Spring that gets people thinking about starting new projects around their property.

Whether you’re finally putting in a pool, building a shed to store all your holiday decorations, or a granny flat for your in-laws (far away from your house), getting those projects done legally requires the right permits and development measures.

That’s where council’s development and compliance team steps in to provide advice on permitting, perform inspections, and ensure your project is safe.

Beginning in September, the development and compliance team will host a series of drop-in sessions across the region, allowing residents to speak directly with a planner about a proposed project.

‘When in doubt, it’s always best to ask council because we can make sure your project gets done safely and legally,’ said General Manager Communities John McDougall.

‘When projects are done above-board, they can also add value to your property.’

Without council’s approval on specific structures, pools, and plumbing works, there’s a chance your project could be non-compliant with state legislation.

A non-compliant project can result in increased liability on property owners, council taking enforcement action, or the need to seek retrospective building development permits.

A retrospective permit can be more costly than applying for the correct permit at the beginning. This is because many developments require an engineering certificate and professional construction management.

Many insurance companies will also refuse to payout where an illegal structure has been damaged or has damaged someone’s property.

‘It may seem faster to do things yourself, but when projects are done illegally they can impact other residents, businesses, and the overall liveability of the region,’ Mr McDougall said.

‘We want to protect our region and keep it beautiful, but if one bad apple spoils the bunch it can cause council and ratepayers unnecessary costs.’

If you suspect any illegal activity involving building developments, pools, or plumbing works, contact council on 1300 242 686.

Drop-in sessions will be held in Rolleston, Springsure, Emerald, Blackwater, Capella, Gemfields, and Duaringa.

To see when the development and compliance team is visiting your town, check out our events page on Facebook.