Public notice: Public health direction and council facilities

From Friday 17 December 2021, the Queensland Health directions regarding vaccination requirements to enter some businesses, venues and events came into effect.

Like any other business, Central Highlands Regional Council must legally comply with these restrictions to ensure we are able to continue providing services to our community.

When planning to enter any of our council facilities please check the vaccination requirements before coming to the venue via the link below or calling 1300 242 686.

For the latest information on vaccination requirements, please always check the official source which is the Queensland Government’s Public Health and Social Measures Linked to Vaccination Status Direction.

Overview of council venues

Venue or activity Fully vaccinated visitors or staff Unvaccinated persons (over the age of 16) 
Outdoor community events Permitted Permitted 
Showgrounds Permitted Showgrounds are a multi-purpose venue/activity subject to different vaccination entry requirements depending on the type of event.
Swimming pools Permitted  but can only purchase takeaway food and beverages from onsite cafes or snack bars  Permitted but can only purchase takeaway food and beverages from onsite cafes or snack bars 
Sporting stadiums with less than 5000 visitors Permitted Permitted 
Indoor sports centres and venues, indoor social sporting-based activities, community sports clubs Permitted   No more than one person per two square metres for spectators  No density limits on the field of play Permitted  No more than one person per two square metres for spectators  No density limits on the field of play 
Community facilities (such as community centres and halls, recreation centres, youth centres, community clubs and PCYCs) Permitted but no more than one person per four square metres for areas open to or used by visitors Permitted but no more than one person per four square metres for areas open to or used by visitors    Restrictions apply for private hire (see below) 
Libraries Permitted Permitted 
Art galleries Permitted Not permitted 
Any part of government service to which the public is ordinarily given access to obtain government services (eg. customer service offices) Permitted Permitted 

For the full list of restrictions head here.

Hiring council-owned venues

Council venues used for hire (town halls, function centres, etc.) will have no capacity limit if people attending are fully vaccinated. However, if there is anyone over the age of 16 attending who is not fully vaccinated, COVID-19 density restrictions will apply. This means a maximum of 20 people or 1 per 4 square meters, whichever is less.

Abiding by COVID-19 directions is a condition of hire. COVID-19 responsibilities will be communicated to any enquiring hirer. Hirers will be asked to identify how they will comply with the new vaccination rules – either allowing vaccinated attendees only or limiting their use of the venue to the maximum attendee limits if vaccination status is unknown.

Other restrictions to note

  • People with medical exemptions, can provide the relevant proof, and will be permitted entry as well.
  • Prior booking is required for all youth, arts, and library events via Eventbrite to ensure relevant density restrictions are complied with.
  • It remains a requirement to use the Check In Qld app when visiting any council facility.