Public notice: proposed amendment (Floodplain Management) to the Central Highlands Regional Council Planning Scheme 2016

Notice is hereby given under the Planning Act 2016 and the Minister’s Rules and Guidelines (September 2020), that Central Highlands Regional Council is undertaking public consultation of a draft amendment (Floodplain Management) and amendment to a Planning scheme policy which form part of the existing Central Highlands Regional Council Planning Scheme.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to more appropriately reflect the State interest – Natural hazards, risk and resilience which sits within the State Planning Policy 2017. The overall intent is to ensure that where possible we avoid land uses that increase the exposure of people and property to unacceptable flood risk.

The amendment will replace the existing Flood Hazard Overlay Code, the existing Flood hazard overlay mapping, the existing planning scheme policy and the Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI 01/2020) “Operational work within a flood hazard area”.

The daft amendment and revised planning scheme policy can be viewed on council’s eplanning platform (, downloaded from or inspected at council’s customer service or transaction centres at:

  • Emerald – corner of Egerton and Borilla Streets, Emerald (8:30am to 5:00pm)
  • Blackwater – 10 Mackenzie Street, Blackwater (8:30am to 5:00pm)
  • Capella – 4 Conran Street, Capella (8:30am to 5:00pm)
  • Duaringa – 12 William Street, Duaringa (8:30am to 5:00pm)
  • Springsure – 29 Eclipse Street, Springsure (8:30am to 5:00pm)
  • Rolleston Transaction Centre – 17 Warrijo Street Rolleston (9:00am to 4:30pm)
  • Tieri Transaction Centre – (8:30am to 5:00pm)

Any person can make a properly made submission about any aspect of the amendment between 7 February 2022 and 4 March 2022.

A submission can be made:

  1. Online via council’s ePlan website
  2. By email to
  3. By mail to The Chief Executive Officer Central Highlands Regional Council Po Box 21 Emerald, QLD 4720
  4. Hand written signed copy provided over the counter at one of council’s customer service centres.

For a submission to be considered properly made, it must:

  • Be in writing and signed by each person who made the submission (including by electronic means);
  • Include the full name and residential or business address of each person making the submission;
  • State a postal or electronic address for council to provide a response to the submission;
  • State the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on to support this position;
  • Be made to Central Highlands Regional Council; and
  • Be received by council on or before 4 March 2022.

For further information in relation to the proposed Amendment for Floodplain Management please call 1300 242 686 and ask to speak with one of our town planners on send through your email to