Round two RADF funding now available
Posted on December 23, 2021
Applications for round two of the Regional Arts Development Fund are open to people, groups and organisations involved in the Central Highlands arts and cultural sector.
This round has more than $46,000 of funding available in the following categories:
- Community consultation, arts strategy and policy development
- Skills development workshops
- Artist/s participating in professional or career development activity
- Cultural tourism
- Creative development of new work (concept development)
- Events and festivals
- Exhibitions and collections
- Performances
- Placemaking
- Conferences and training sessions delivered for artists and cultural workers.
Still looking for some inspiration? Check out the list of previously funded projects.
To apply, download the application form, speak to one of our officers, and submit your application by Friday, 21 January 2021.
The Central Highlands Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee (CHACAC) will assess applications on Friday, 4 February 2022, with their recommendation presented to council for a decision on Wednesday, 23 February 2022.