Springsure art awards recipients announced

The votes have been counted and the results are in for the winner of the People’s Choice Award as part of the CHRC Annual Art Awards Springsure 2022.

There were 162 valid votes counted from council’s Have Your Say online voting poll, which ran from Saturday 5 till Sunday 20 March.

The winner of the 2022 People’s Choice Award is Jemma Isherwood with her photograph, ‘Hidden Paradise‘.

Congratulations to all the award recipients.


ORIGINAL POST | March 5 2022

Central Highlands Regional Council is excited to announce this year’s Annual Art Awards – Springsure winners.

While this year’s annual art awards in-person celebration was cancelled as a COVID-safe precaution, a video announcement of the winners from the mayor was recorded instead.

Mayor Kerry Hayes congratulated all 101 entrants across the seven categories.

‘Once again we have seen a high standard of artwork submitted from far and wide,’ Mayor Hayes said.

‘While we may not have been able to gather in person for the awards, I encourage art appreciators across the region to visit the exhibition over the next few weeks.’

‘It is always a highlight to celebrate the diversity of the arts and raise the profile of both local and external artists with our annual awards.’

All entries will be exhibited at the Bauhinia Bicentennial Art Gallery Springsure Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm and Saturday between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm until 13 April 2022.

People’s Choice Award is now open for voting online via Have Your Say Central Highlands, until Sunday 20 March 2022.

The People’s Choice Award winner will be announced via council’s Facebook page at 5.00 pm on 22 March 2022.

2022 Winners

Category 1 : Easel Based Works

First: Loretta Horn with Feast

Second: Leonie Hopgood with Camping Getaway

Category 2: Works on Paper

First: Joanne Kerr with Golden Landscape

Second: Leonie Hopgood with Outback Hut

Category 3: Three Dimensional Works

First: Sharon Kirk with Limb-O

Second: Carol Forster with Shelley Beach Vase

Highly Commended: Elaina Hayes with Holy Bible: Genesis, Adam & Eve

Category 4: Photography & Digital Art

First: Karen Leibinger with Smoky Haze

Second: Jemma Isherwood with Hidden Paradise

Category 5: Black & White

First: Rosalie Lucke with Standing Tall ll

Second: Loretta Horn with Caught out in your underwear

Highly Commended: Loretta Horn with the Breath on our Necks

Category 6: Juvenile 13 – 18 years

First: India Iwers with Blurred Lines

Second: Matthew Weeks with The Big Teapot

Category 7: Junior 12 years and under

First: Ariana Stewart with Blue Square

Second: Ariana Stewart with Candlelight

Highly Commended: Rainie Rae with Turtles.

CHRC Acquisitive Prize:

Sharon Kirk: Landscape Colours.

People’s Choice Award:

Jemma Isherwood: Hidden Paradise