Time to dig in! Join CHRC and Toyota in planting 1000 trees for National Tree Day

Residents of Emerald and surrounding communities are invited to join Central Highlands Regional Council and Central Highlands Toyota in planting 1,000 drought-tolerant trees for National Tree Day!

This year’s project will be in the East Botanic Gardens on 31 July 2022 from 8.00 am to 10.00 am, with a BBQ to follow.

‘Last year, we planted 300 trees near the Emerald Dog Park and had lots of lively residents join in on the fun,’ says Mayor Kerry Hayes.

‘This year, we are anticipating even more participation from the community and have upped our tree order to 1,000.

‘In addition to planting trees, our residents will learn about drought-tolerant gardening options that are particularly relevant to our dry region.’

This family-friendly, covid-safe event encourages our community to participate in council’s projects, meet new neighbours, and work together. 

National Tree Day is Australia’s largest community tree-planting and nature care event. Since 1996, over 26 million trees have been planted by over 5 million volunteers.

Please remember to bring your gardening equipment, water, hat, and sunscreen.

For more information:

National Tree Day event details on Facebook

National Tree Day website