Waste export ban on whole used tyres fast approaching
Posted on October 20, 2021
Central Highlands Regional Council is urging local businesses, farmers, landlords and tyre retailers to be on alert with the federal government’s waste export ban on whole used tyres and baled tyres set to come into effect on 1 December 2021.
The ban is part of the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020, which aims to build Australia’s capacity to generate high-value recycled commodities and the associated demand.
Council’s General Manager Communities John McDougall reminded residents that tyres are accepted at the Lochlees landfill near Emerald.
‘The ban is a big step in Australia’s quest to recognise waste as a resource instead of a problem,’ he said.
‘Tyres can be recycled for numerous things such as asphalt for road surfacing, in tile adhesive, in soft fall and sporting surfaces, and even as fuels.’
‘Last financial year council recycled over 400 tonnes worth of tyre waste across the Central Highlands, which cost the business approximately $200,000, and with the ban on the way we only expect this volume to increase.’
Mr McDougall said the ban would prompt council to review its business model, pricing and practices regarding end-of-life tyre waste.
‘We will need to ensure we can keep offering a sustainable disposal option for tyres while also covering the associated costs,’ he said.
‘As we work through these impacts, we implore our residents to please continue doing the right thing and help us by keeping a watchful eye out for illegal dumping, increased stockpiling and unscrupulous tyre collection operators.’
Anyone who sees a tyre stockpile or witnesses illegal dumping of end-of-life tyres can contact Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) at getonboard@tyrestewardship.org.au
Mr McDougall also encouraged tyre collectors and retailers to join the national TSA Scheme for support and information regarding the ban.
Please note, tyres are accepted at the Lochlees landfill ONLY. This is due to space and cost restraints.
For any questions or advice on tyre disposal call council on 1300 242 686.