Wet weather postpones Nogoa November celebrations

Due to predicted wet weather over the coming days, Central Highlands Regional Council has decided to postpone its annual Nogoa November celebrations scheduled for this weekend until early 2022.

As a precaution, the floating footbridge on the western side of the Botanic Gardens will also be temporarily removed from the river to prevent any damage due to fluctuating river levels.

The bridge will be returned once it is deemed safe.

‘Rain is always welcome in the Central Highlands and spending a weekend indoors is a sacrifice we are willing to make,’ said Mayor Kerry Hayes.

‘Our top priority is to ensure the community remains safe by reviewing your household plan, preparing your property and remembering if it is flooded forget it.

‘Weather predictions are subject to change and all Central Highlands residents should stay alert and keep an eye on changing conditions, especially if you’re planning to travel around the region.’

For up-to-date info on weather, power outages and road closures, visit the Emergency Management Dashboard.

For state-wide road conditions visit QLDTraffic.

If you need non-life-threatening assistance during or following a storm or flood event please call the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500.