Works for Queensland funding delivers $2.6M for local jobs growth
Posted on March 12, 2021
The Central Highlands Regional Council will share in the state government’s $200 million Works for Queensland program, with $2.66 million to be injected into local jobs growth.
Central Highlands Mayor Cr Kerry Hayes today welcomed the funding allocation announcement.
‘This is great news for our region, particularly as we continue to recover economically from the pandemic,’ he said.
‘Council is one of the region’s major employers, so it makes sense for us to be a part of any good job creation program.
‘Improved employment opportunities for rural and regional Queenslanders is absolutely vital. We look forward to working with the state government and the community to ensure this funding is put to good use.’
Mayor Hayes said council would now get to work identifying potential maintenance and infrastructure projects that fit the criteria.
Council must submit nominated projects by early April. All projects are then expected to be completed by the end of June 2024.