Rates and payments - In this section
In this section

Council is required under local government legislation to levy a general rate or differential general rate on every rateable property each financial year. Council uses a differential rating scheme to calculate each properties’ general rate. This is a fair and equitable way of charging according to land use.

General rates are for services, facilities and activities that are supplied or undertaken for the benefit of the community. Council is required to raise an appropriate amount of revenue to maintain assets and provide services to the region as a whole.

The value of your property is the basis for the calculation of the general rate which is set by the Department of Resources.

Understanding your rates and water charges

  • Sewerage charges fund the operations, construction, maintenance, and replacement of sewer pipes, sewerage pump stations, treatment plants and other sewerage infrastructure.
  • Refuse and recycling charges are applied to residential properties for the collection of the general and recycling waste. Commercial properties can also opt into the collection service.
  • Waste management charges fund the cost of landfill and refuse collection centre operations and applies to all properties irrespective of whether the property is within the defined urban areas where collection services are available.
  • Emergency management levy is not a council charge and the revenue collected is sent to the State Government. All rateable properties within the council region must pay the levy. More information can be found on the Queensland Government website.
  • Water infrastructure charges fund the construction, maintenance and replacement of water mains, reservoirs, hydrants, pump stations, treatment plants and other water infrastructure.
  • Water consumption charges are based on the usage recorded through the meter attached to your property and fund the variable costs of supplying water including chemicals and electricity.
  • Rates capping is the maximum allowed percentage increase in general rates for the financial year subject to certain conditions, in accordance with Section 116 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.
  • How are your rates calculated? See this factsheet for a simplified explanation.

Sale of land for overdue rates and charges

The Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012 allow council to conduct a sale of land for overdue rates and charges. If a property meets the below criteria, a report will be presented to council for consideration to proceed with the sale.

  1. Residential properties with rates and charges outstanding for 3 years or more; and
  2. Vacant and commercial land with rates and charges outstanding for 1 year or more where judgment has been obtained.

Council may then resolve to issue a notice of intention to sell the property, to the registered owners, mortgagees and interested parties.

If rates and charges remain unpaid for a period of three (3) years, council will issue a notice of auction to the registered owners, mortgagees and interested parties.

Properties for sale

Council is not presently offering any properties for sale due to overdue rates and charges.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I receive my notices by email?

    Yes. You can elect to receive your rates and water notices in your inbox by completing an online request or by completing the form. If you elect to receive notices via email you will not receive these by post. This registration is only for rates and water notices and other correspondence sent by council may still be issued via post.

  • Why are water notices separate to rates notices?

    In 2018-2019, a decision was made to separate the rates and water notices to ease the financial burden on ratepayers. Instead of receiving two notices each year with all of the combined charges on one notice, you receive four notices (two for general rates, waste, sewerage and emergency management levy and two for water infrastructure and consumption charges) each year.

  • How do I update my address or details?

    Changing your postal address
    The preferred method for requesting a change of address is in writing to council or completing a change of address form, however for individuals this may also be done over the phone.

    If the change of address is a result of a separation, council recommends that both parties confirm their postal addresses and elect who will be responsible for receiving the rates/water notices. Council is unable to issue the notices to different postal addresses. If both parties wish to receive a copy of the notice, they can contact council around the issue date of notices. 

    Companies must provide a written request from a director of the company on company letterhead.

    Changing your name on rates and water notices
    This cannot be done through council. You will need to contact Department of Resources and lodge the necessary forms and payment.

    Removing a partner from the rates notices
    Council does not have the authority to do this, you will need to complete transfer documents and lodge them with the Titles Office and pay the appropriate fees.

    Please note: Even if separated, if both parties are listed on the notice then both are equally liable for the payment of rates and charges.

  • Can I prepay or direct debit my rates?

    If you wish to set up a direct debit arrangement through council, you are required to complete separate direct debit instructions for both general rates and for water.

    Direct debits set up through council are processed at the following times:

    • Weekly on a Friday
    • Fortnightly on a Thursday
    • Monthly on the 28th of the month
    • Due date where full payment is taken on the due date of each notice
    • Alternatively, you can also set up regular payments through your own internet banking

    Please note: A direct debit is a method of payment and does not constitute a payment arrangement with council.

  • Can I enter a payment arrangement?

    You can set up a formal payment arrangement for the outstanding balance to be paid off over a 6 to 12-month period, depending on the amount outstanding. Adhering to a formal arrangement prevents recovery action being taken by council to collect the outstanding amount. Interest will not be charged on your outstanding balance while adhering to a formal payment arrangement. If you default on your arrangement, interest will be charged at 11% per annum, compounded daily.

    An application to pay rates or water notices by instalment form will need to be completed and returned to council.

    Council may consider requests for arrangements which fall outside the normal terms outlined above where there are extenuating circumstances. All genuine, realistic and reasonable offers for periodic payments will be considered. A requirement of this is that the proposed arrangement will be sufficient to clear the debt including new levies raised in a reasonable timeframe. These requests must be made in writing.

  • What if I cannot afford the amount required under a formal arrangement?

    It is recommended that you commence paying whatever amount you can afford as to show commitment to reducing the outstanding balance of your account. Although you will still be required to complete an application to pay by instalments form, council will grant a period of up to three months where interest will be charged, however recovery action will not be taken if you make regular repayments during this period.

    At the conclusion of the three month period it is expected that you will either enter into a formal arrangement at the required repayment amount or pay the outstanding balance in full.

    If neither of these options are achievable it is very important that you call us as soon as possible.

  • How do I suspend a payment or cancel my direct debit arrangement?

    All requests to amend, suspend or cancel your direct debit must be in writing to council via email. Please allow five business days for processing.

  • I have a credit on my account, what can I do?

    Council can either refund this money by cheque or EFT.  If you wish to have it by EFT you will need to complete a Creditor Authorisation form.

    Alternatively, we can transfer the credit from one rate assessment to another, or to your water account.  You will need to complete an application to transfer credit from rates account form and submit to council.

  • How much is the discount and how long do I have to pay?

    In accordance with section 130 of the Local Government Regulations 2012, a discount of 5% will be allowed when all rates and charges are paid in full, including arrears, by the due date of the notice.

    Discount applies to all rates and charges except for emergency management levy, special rates and charges and water consumption charges.

  • Does council offer a pensioner concession?

    Pensioner discounts apply to all residential type general rates and charges, except for water consumption and the state emergency levy and fire levy charge. The Queensland Government subsidises 20% (or a maximum of $200 per annum) and council also offers a 50% subsidy by way of a rebate to approved pensioners.

  • Am I eligible for the pensioner subsidy?  

    To be eligible for a pensioner concession the following criteria applies:

    • The property must be your principle place of residence.
    • The property must be registered in your name.
    • The concession can only be claimed on one property within Queensland.
    • You must hold a current Centrelink pensioner concession card, or a Department of Veteran Affairs Veteran Card – All Conditions (Gold).

    A pensioner application form must be completed and submitted to council with a copy of your concession card.

    Once you have applied, there is no need to reapply for five years. However, if you have purchased or moved to another property in the council region you will need to reapply as applications are property specific and pension details are not able to be transferred from one property to another.

  • Does council offer a mining claim concession?

    This concession is 100% of the rates payable on the mining claims and applies to people that pay rates on residential land that is also subject to a mining claim.  You are eligible if:

    • The mining claim and the residential land are held in the same ownership.
    • 80% or more of the area of the mining claim overlaps the residential land.
    • The rates owing on both the mining claim and residential land have been paid in full.

    You will need to complete the mining claims overlapping of residential tenure form. You will need to reapply after each levy or once per annum if you meet all the conditions.

    Waste management concession for multiple mining claims
    This concession is 100% of the waste management charges payable on all mining claims over and above the charges payable one mining claims and 100% of the charges levied on permits to occupy that are attached to a mining claim.  This concession applies to people that hold multiple mining claims in the same ownership or contiguous claims are held in the same family unit.

    You will need to complete the waste management concession on mining claims form and reapply after each levy or once per annum if you meet all the conditions.

  • Does council offer a not-for-profit or sporting club concession?

    Not-for-profit organisations may be entitled up to a 100% rebate on general rates. The not-for-profit/sporting concession form needs to be completed and submitted with supporting documentation such as a copy of your organisation’s rules of incorporation.

  • Does council offer a concession for dedicated fire services?

    Where a commercial property has more than two water connections with one being for dedicated fire service a concession of a reduction in the dedicated fire service to a 20mm connection.

    Additional supporting documentation that may also need to be submitted, includes the ‘as constructed hydraulic plans’ as this covers the financial adjustments that happen outside of the standard 2 rate runs each year.

  • Can I get a concession for an undetected water leak?

    If you have an undetected water leak that would have contributed to higher than usual water consumption a concession may be available. You will need to complete the undetected water leak application form and provide supporting documentation.

  • Why may I receive a supplementary general rates notice?

    You will receive this if charges on your notice had to be adjusted. This could be the case if your property was:

    • Amalgamated
    • Subdivided
    • Subject to a valuation change by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    • Changes to service charges, for example waste

    If adjustments to the rates and charges are required because they’re incorrect, council will issue a supplementary notice in accordance with section 109 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

  • What do I do if I think I’ve been overcharged on my water notices?

    To confirm the accuracy of the meter reading, compare the reading on your water notice to the current reading on your physical water meter (read the black digits only). If this is less than the notice reading, please take a photo and send us an email.

    If you believe that you have an internal leak and have been charged for excessive consumption, please contact a licenced plumber to investigate for a concealed leak. Based on the plumber’s report, we can provide a rebate under the Concealed Leaks Policy.

  • Do I need to apply for a principal place of residence?

    Yes. You will need to complete a principal place of residence form and provide supporting documentation to be entitled to the principal place of residence categorisation.

  • Do I need to tell council that a property is no longer my principal place of residence?

    Yes, you should contact council if they are relocating and the property is no longer going to be their principal place of residence. If no advice is received from the customer, the principal place of residence is generally amended when the postal address is updated.