Emergency Contacts

 Contact  Emergency  Contact details
 Police, fire and ambulance For life-threatening emergencies Triple Zero (000)
Police Link  For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 131 444
Anakie Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4985 4200
Blackwater Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4982 5933
Capella Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4984 9222
Duaringa Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4935 7222
Emerald Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4983 8100
Springsure Police Station For non-life threatening emergencies or incidents 4984 1322
Bureau of Meteorology Land, weather and flood warnings 1300 659 219
State Emergency Service Storm damage, flood and roof damage 132 500
Central Highlands Regional Council 24 hour customer service 1300 242 686
Crimestoppers Report a crime 1800 333 000
Ergon Energy Electrical emergency

Electrical fault

13 16 70

13 22 96

Telstra Telecommunication fault 13 22 00
RSPCA Animal emergencies 1300 264 625
Department of Transport and Main Roads Traffic and travel information 13 19 40
RACQ Road conditions 1300 130 595
Lifeline Crisis support 131 114