Blackwater residents helping plan for the future
Posted on November 7, 2023
Over 3 days last week, council hosted a number of sessions in Blackwater to plan for the future of the All Abilities Park, Dempsey Park and the Mackenzie Street median strips.
The first session involved students coming together at Blackwater North State School to view maps and see examples of parks in other regions. They discussed the challenges facing the All Abilities Park and some of the possible solutions as well as the big ticket, dream ideas for Dempsey Park.
Community voted on their preferences for revitalising the median strips on Mackenzie Street and provided some sensible and carefully considered feedback.
Later that evening, at an information session, staff were available to answer questions, discuss the obstacles faced and present ideas for moving forward.
Interactive maps that provided a bird’s eye view of the town and the expansive greenspaces that council maintain were a great focal point to begin the discussion.
If you missed one of the pop-up sessions or the free BBQ at Dempsey Park, you can still have your say via the project page and online survey until 24 November here 👉
If you have any enquiries, please contact council on 1300 242 686.