Waste and recycling - In this section
In this section

Your yellow lid bin is for recycling only. This bin is collected fortnightly on the same day as your red lid bin.

The recyclables collected in kerbside recycling bins are sent to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Rockhampton. There, they are sorted back into product type, packaged and sold to be recycled into new products.

To find out what can and can’t be recycled, click on an item below.

Popular items

Coffee cups

Garden clippings



Find out more about locations and opening hours for our transfer stations and waste facilities here.

  • Aerosol cans (empty only)

     If the aerosol can is empty, remove the lid and place in your yellow-top recycle bin.


  • Aluminium cans

    Aluminium cans may go straight in to your yellow-top recycle bin. You don’t need to remove the ring pull.

    You can also cash them in at a Containers for Change depot in Emerald, Springsure, Capella and Blackwater.

  • Alfoil and foil baking trays

    Aluminium foil (clean)

    Clean kitchen foil (that you purchase in a roll at the supermarket) and aluminium cake/pie trays can first be reused in your kitchen for another job. To recycle, simply scrunch it into a ball (nothing smaller than a small fist size) and place in your yellow lid bin at home.

    Aluminium foil (dirty)
    If the dirty aluminium foil can be wiped or rinsed clean, you can then recycle it in your yellow-lidded recycle bin. If you are unable to clean the foil, then place it into your general waste bin.

    Aluminium foil trays
    Aluminium foil trays can be wiped or rinsed clean and then placed in  your yellow-lidded recycle bin. If you are unable to clean the foil tray, then place it into your general waste bin.

  • Animal waste (kitty litter, dog waste, etc.)

    Must go in sealed bags in your red-lidded general waste bin.

  • Small appliances (air conditioners, kettles, toasters, heaters, etc.)

    Cannot be recycled and should be placed in your red-lidded general waste bin.

  • Asbestos

    This includes carpet underlay, vinyl, vinyl tile, tools and equipment used in removal.

    Up to 10sqm or under 250 kg can be taken to the Lochlees and Blackwater landfills (fees apply for commercial quantities).

    Must be double wrapped in black builders plastic or a hazmat bag and taped with warning tape prior to disposal.

  • Ash and charcoal

    Must be damp and cold prior to disposal to prevent fires and can only be placed in your red top bin.

    You can also take it to any transfer station, but please do not mix it with greenwaste.

  • Automotive products

    Refer to hazardous chemicals guide.

  • Baby items (prams, car seats, furniture, toys, bottles, sterilisers, clothing, etc.)

     Can only go in your red lid general waste bin. Alternatively, if still in good condition you can donate to a charity shop.

  • Baking paper

    Cannot be recycled, red lid bin only.

  • Bandaids, bandages, dressings, cotton, buds, cotton pads, etc.

    Cannot be recycled, red lid bin only.

  • Baby wipes

    Do not flush down the toilet as this damages our sewerage networks.

    Cannot be recycled, red lid bin only.

  • Balloons (air and helium)

    Cannot be recycled, red lid bin only.

  • Bamboo products and utensils

    Cannot be recycled, red lid bin only.

  • Bathroom items

    Recyclable items such as containers, toilet rolls, deodorant cans etc. can be placed in the yellow lid recycle bin.
    Other items such as razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes must go into your red lid general waste bin.

  • Batteries (car)

    These can be recycled at:

    • SUEZ Emerald Resource and Recovery Centre
    • Supercheap Auto, Emerald
    • Resurrection Wrecking, Emerald
    • Battery World, Rockhampton
  • Batteries (phone)

    These can’t go in your kerbside recycling bin, but they can be recycled at:

    • Transfer stations
    • Mobile Muster at Australia Post
    • Telstra, Emerald
  • Batteries (dry cell)

    These can’t go in your kerbside recycling bin, but they can be recycled at:

    • ALDI Rockhampton (AA, AAA, C, D and 9V)
    • Officeworks Rockhampton
    • please contact local battery suppliers for more information
  • Batteries (rechargeable and lithium ion)

    These can’t go in your kerbside recycling bin, but they can be recycled at:

    • Transfer stations
    • ALDI Rockhampton (AA, AAA, C, D and 9V)
    • Officeworks Rockhampton
  • Biscuit packets and trays

    Trays can be placed in your yellow-lidded recycling bin.

    Plastic wrappers can be recycled through RedCycle at selected Woolworths and Coles stores.

  • Bicycles

    Can be disposed of at transfer stations, or if in good condition donated to a charity store.

  • Blankets (including electrical blankets and linen)

    Red top bin only, or if in good condition can be donated to a charity store.

  • Blinds

    Red top bin only, or if in good condition can be donated to a charity store.

  • Books, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, video tapes and cases

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

    If in working condition, can be donated to a charity store.

  • Bubble wrap

    Can be recycled through RedCycle at selected Woolworths and Coles stores. Otherwise, must go in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Building waste (reusable)

    Reusable masonite, kitchen and bathroom fittings, lattice, bricks, etc. can be taken to the Emerald tip shop or disposed of at the Lochlees or Blackwater landfills.

  • Building waste (not reusable)

    Any of the above items that are not reusable must be disposed of at the Lochlees or Blackwater landfills.

  • Butane aerosol cans

    Butane aerosol cans or canisters such as those used for camping should NOT be put in the kerbside recycling they are highly flammable if any gas is remaining in them.

    Please place in your red top bin or take to your closest transfer station.

  • Candles

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red top general waste bin.

  • Car parts or bodies

    Contaminated with Oil/ Fuel – Must be disposed of at Tieri /Blackwater / Lochlees Landfills only. (Not accepted at Transfer Stations).

  • Carpet and underlay

    Excludes asbestos underlay.

    Must be taken to your closest transfer station or can be dropped off at the Emerald tip shop.

  • Car seats

    Child car seats or boosters can be taken to any transfer station or to the Emerald tip shop if less than eight years old.

  • Cardboard

    Can go in your yellow lid recycling bin or the cardboard section of any transfer station.

  • Cartons

    Milk and juice cartons can be placed in your yellow top bin.

    If they are from fresh products, there should be no foil lining. If they are long-life, foil lining is ok.

  • Cellophane

    Place cellophane into your red lid general waste bin. Since cellophane cannot be recycled, avoid purchasing it and instead opt for recycled paper or some kind of decorative bow or ribbon that can then be reused. Unlike other soft plastics, cellophane cannot be recycled through the REDcycle program (Coles/Woolworths).

  • Chip and lolly wrappers

    Plastic wrappers cannot go in your yellow top bin but they can be recycled through REDCycle at Woolworths and Coles.

  • Christmas decorations

    Trees, lights and other Christmas decorations must go in your red top bin, or if in good working condition they can be donated to a charity store.

  • Chemical drums

    Can be taken to any landfill or transfer station (except for the Emerald, Bluff and Rubyvale facility) if they are in a 1-20 litre Drum Muster eligible container.

  • Cleaning chemicals

    Must go in red top general waste bin.

  • Clothing

    Must go in red top general waste bin or can be donated to a charity store if in good condition.

  • Coffee grounds

    Must go in red top general waste bin or can be used for home compost/worm farms.

  • Coffee capsules and pods

    Must go in red top general waste bin, however some brands have their own recycling programs such as the following:

  • Coffee cups

    All wax-coated disposable coffee cups must go in the red lid general waste bin. To avoid this wastage, purchase a reusable coffee cup and take with you to work or cafes. Some establishments even offer discounts if you BYO cup!

  • Condoms

    Do not flush down the toilet as this damages our sewerage networks.

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

  • Concrete, asphalt and bitumen

    Can be disposed of at the Lochlees landfill.

  • Corks

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

  • Crockery, cutlery and cookware

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

    If in good condition can be donated to charity stores.

  • Coat hangers

    Plastic, metal and wood coat hangers cannot be recycled and must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

    If in good condition can be donated to charity stores.

  • Deceased animals

    Can be disposed of at the Lochlees and Blackwater landfills.

  • Demolition waste

    Can be disposed of at the Lochlees and Blackwater landfills.

  • Disposable gloves and masks

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

  • Egg cartons

    Can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.

  • Electronic waste (E-waste)

    Televisions, computers, monitors, printers, cameras, modems, tablets, cables, etc. can be taken to transfer stations or recycled through these programs:


  • Electrical appliances

    DVD players, facsimile machines, phones, alarm clocks, cameras and radios.

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in red lid general waste bin.

    If in good working condition can be donated to the tip shop (no vacuum cleaners or blowers).

  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs or PIBs)

    Please speak to staff at your closest transfer station or contact Maritime Safety Queensland for disposal options on (07) 4944 3700.

  • Envelopes

    Can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.

  • Fashion accessories

    Fashion accessories such as bags and jewellery cannot be recycled and must be placed in your red lid general waste bin.

    If in good condition, you can donate to a charity store.

  • Fencing

    Check for asbestos first!

    If asbestos free, can be disposed of at the Lochlees and Blackwater landfills.

  • Feminine personal products

    Do not flush down your toilet as this damages our sewerage networks.

    Please placed in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Fire extinguishers

    Can be taken to transfer stations.

    Alternatively, Firelec can service at a cost per can.

  • Fitness equipment

    Can be taken to transfer stations or donated to the Emerald tip shop if in good condition.

  • Flares

    Please speak to staff at a transfer station.

  • Fluorescent tubes and globes

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Fishing rods and equipment

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Foam polystyrene

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Food scraps

    Must be place in your red top general waste bin or can be used for home compost/worm farms.

  • Fuel

    Refer to hazardous chemicals.

    Return to place of purchase or for a small amount of fuel, leave the container lid open so the fuel can evaporate into the atmosphere.

  • Furniture

    Can be taken to transfer stations or donated to charity if in good condition.

  • Garden clippings

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin, preferrably bagged in small quantities.

    You can also take to your closes transfer station, or use for home compost/worm farms.

  • Garden chemicals

    Refer to hazardous chemicals for herbicides, pesticides, weed killers, insect sprays and fertilisers.

  • Garden tools and equipment

    Things like hoses, pots, lawn mowers and whipper snippers can be taken to any transfer station or the Emerald tip shop if in good condition.

  • Gas cylinders and bottles

    Can be taken to any transfer station or the following:

    • Small LPG Gas Bottles – Quix, Caltex, Mobil, Shell, BP, Mitre 10, Bunnings and BOC
    • Diving tanks – dive centres and re-fillers
    • BOC / CIG, Matheson, Linde, GasTech, Air Liquide, LAA or Liquid Air cylinders – Manufacturer
    • Balloon gas tanks – Transfer stations
  • Glasses (eye)

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

    Spec Savers, Chas Sankey and Lions Club do offer recycling options.

  • Glass bottles and jars

    If unbroken , can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.

    If broken, should be securely wrapped and placed in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Hair and hair dryers

    Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Hazardous chemicals

    Hazardous chemicals must be kept out of your waste and recycling bins.

    These include:

    • household cleaners
    • automotive products
    • garden chemicals
    • paints
    • thinners
    • adhesives
    • varnishes
    • pool cleaners
    • batteries
    • gas canisters
    • asbestos
    • oils
    • fluoro tubes and globes

    If you are unsure if something is a hazardous chemical check for a dangerous goods label on the back of the container.

    Please call council and speak to our waste staff about whether a hazardous chemical can be brought to one of our facilities, or call one of the following:

    • JJ Richards 4982 0895
    • Toxfree 1300 869 3733
    • Cleanaway 13 13 39
  • Helium balloon gas bottles

    Punch hole in vessel as per recycle instructions and take to scrap metal section of transfer station.

  • Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)

    You can dispose of these at a transfer station or recycle them through the following programs:

    • Agsafe
    • Schutz Australia
    • Vip Packaging
    • Tank Management Services
    • Astron
  • Inflatable pools, toys and mattresses

    Cannot be recycled. Must be place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Insulation

    Can be taken to the Lochlees and Blackwater landfills.

  • Leather

    Cannot be recycled. Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

    If in good condition, can be donated to the Emerald tip shop or a charity store.

  • Light bulbs

    Cannot be recycled. Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • LPG gas

    Return to place of purchase.

  • Magnets

    Cannot be recycled. Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Mattresses

    Can be disposed of at Blackwater / Tieri / Lochlees Landfills only – Fees apply.

    If in good condition , check with a local charity if it can be donated.

    To dispose of at a Transfer Station – Mattresses must have foam/material and steel separated prior to attending site.

  • Meat tray

    Refer to label for recycling instructions.

  • Medical waste

    Cannot be recycled. Must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Medicines

    Unwanted or out of date medicines must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

    Some chemist do accept them as well: www.returnmed.com.au

  • Mirrors

    Cannot be recycled, must be placed in your red top general waste bin.

  • Mobile phones and accessories

    Can’t go in your yellow lid bin and must be put in your red top general waste bin.

    However they can be recycled at Mobile Muster collection points, Telstra in Emerald and Australia Post.

  • Motorcycles and parts

    Please to to your nearest transfer station.

  • Mowers and whipper snippers

    See ‘Garden tools and equipment’.

  • Nappies

    This includes wipes, pull-ups and swimming nappies. These cannot be recycled. Please place in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Oil

    Car (less than 10 litres)

    Can be taken to Supercheap Auto Emerald, otherwise please dispose of at a transfer station.

    Car (over 10 litres)

    Please dispose of at a transfer station.

    Oil filters

    Please dispose of at a transfer station.

    Cooking oil

    If under 500ml, place in a sealed container and then put in your red lid general waste bin.

    If over 500ml, please contact Cleanaway or JJ Richards to arrange disposal.

  • Paper

    Clean newspapers, magazines, envelopes, paper, junk mail and cardboards can all be recycled. Place these in your yellow top bin.

    If they are oily, damp or have food stains they must go in your red lid bin.

  • Paper towels, wipes, napkins or tissues

    Do not flush down the toilet as this damages our sewerage networks.

    These should be place in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Paint

    Refer to hazardous chemicals list.

    Hardened paint can be put in your red lid general waste bin.

  • Paint cans

    Must be completely empty and then they can go in the yellow top recycling bin.

  • Pillows and cushions

    Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Pizza boxes

    Clean boxes can go in your yellow lid recycling bin.

    Dirty boxes with food scraps need to go in your red top general waste bin.

  • Plastic bags

    Cannot be recycled and must go in your red top general waste bin. This includes bread bags, ziplock bags and net bags.

    Please do not bag your recyclables – this is a common contamination!

  • Plastic bottles, containers and lids

    If it has a recycling label, make sure the lids are screwed onto the bottle or container and then place the whole thing in your yellow lid recycling bin.

    If it does not have a label it goes in your red top bin.

  • Photos

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Polystyrene

    Cannot be recycled in the Central Highlands. Please place in your red top bin.

  • Pool cleaners

    Refer to hazardous materials.

  • Popsicle sticks and toothpicks

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Porcelain, pottery and pyrex containers

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

    If in good condition, can be donated to a charity store.

  • Post packs/parcel bags

    If paper or recyclable plastic it can go in your yellow top bin.

    All other packs must go in your red top bin.

  • Pots and pans

    Refer to ‘Crockery’.

  • Printer cartridges

    Can be recycled at:

    • Emerald Office Supplies
    • Australia Post offices
    • Some participating council offices

    Otherwise, please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Recreational equipment

    Can be taken to a transfer station or the Emerald tip shop if in good condition.

  • Scrap metal

    Please dispose of at your local transfer station or the Lochlees or Blackwater landfills.

  • Scuba diving tanks and equipment

    Please return to place of purchase.

  • Smoke alarms

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Soil and gravel

    Please take to the Lochlees or Blackwater landfill.

  • Solar panels

    Must be disposed of at Tieri /Blackwater / Lochlees Landfills only. (Not accepted at Transfer Stations).

  • Stationery

    Things such as pens, pencils, crayons, rulers, glue, folders and binders cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Steel cans

    Can be recycled in your yellow top bin.

  • Straws (plastic or paper)

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin.

  • Syringes and sharps

    Cannot be recycled. Please place in your red top general waste bin in a hard, sealed container.

    Disposal receptacles are available at designated pharmacies and the Blackwater, Springsure, Emerald and Woorabinda hospitals.

  • Telephone book

    Can go in your yellow lid recycling bin.

  • Thinners, strippers and turps

    Refer to hazardous chemicals.

  • Tiles

    Please take to a transfer station or the Lochlees or Blackwater landfills.

    If they are in good condition, they can also go to the Emerald tip shop.

  • Timber

    Please take to a transfer station or the Lochlees or Blackwater landfills.

    If they are in good condition, they can also go to the Emerald tip shop.

  • Toys

    If they are in good condition, donate them to a charity store. Otherwise they belong in your red top general waste bin.

  • Tyres (with or without rims)

    Must be disposed of at Tieri /Blackwater / Lochlees Landfills only. ( not accepted at Transfer Stations )

    Fees apply to Domestic and Commercial customers.

  • Unknown chemicals

    Are not accepted at any of our facilities. Please phone one of the following to discuss:

    • JJ Richards 4982 0895
    • Toxfree 1300 869 3733
    • Cleanaway 13 13 39
  • Used rags

    Cannot be recycled, red lid general waste bin only.

  • Varnishes

    Refer to hazardous chemicals.

  • Vinyl

    Can be taken to a transfer station. Excludes asbestos vinyl and vinyl tiles.


  • White goods

    Can be take to any of our transfer stations or the Emerald tip shop if in good condition.

  • Window glass

    Cannot be recycled, red top bin only.

    If unbroken, may be accepted at the Emerald tip shop.

  • Wire and rope

    Cannot be recycled, red top bin only.

  • Xrays

    Cannot be recycled, red top bin only.

  • Yoghurt containers

    Remove the lid and place in the yellow top recycling bin.

  • Ziplock bags

    Can be recycled via REDCycle at Woolworths or Coles.

    Otherwise, please place in your red lid general waste bin.