Council wants you to have a say about ‘Bringing Blackwater Back’ into the planning scheme 

Join council at one of three consultation events in Blackwater to discuss an important proposal to Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) to revoke current priority development areas and bring development applications in Blackwater back under the Central Highlands Regional Council Planning Scheme.  

Consultation sessions are as follows:  

  • Monday 23 October 2023 11.30 am – 1.30 pm, Blackwater Shopping Centre (open to quick chats) 
  • Monday 23 October 2023 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm, Blackwater Library (workshop) 
  • Tuesday 24 October 2023 11.30 am – 1.30 pm, Blackwater Library (workshop) 

Currently, there are two parcels of land in Blackwater affected by a ‘Priority Development Area’ (PDA) declared under the Economic Development Act 2012. This means that different provisions from the rest of the Central Highlands guide development and planning in these areas.  

‘If council can successfully revoke these PDA’s from the state government, the community will have more influence over how development is guided in these areas for the future,’ said General Manager Communities John McDougall.  

‘I encourage anyone interested in the development of Blackwater to attend one of these sessions and make it known what these parcels of land should be zoned for in the future,’ he continued.  

If interested participants are unable to attend the above sessions, there will be additional time to get involved in the new year. Local community members can also register their interest in being part of the ‘Blackwater Revocation Advisory Group’ (BRAG), which will keep stakeholders involved throughout the revocation process. More information on the revocation process and PDAs in general can be found at: 

If you have any enquiries, please contact council on 1300 242 686 or via  

#BRAGaboutBlackwater, #BringBlackwaterBack