From learning to swim to coaching a swim team – Bellsy makes a big splash in Tieri

Belynda Perkins, also known as Bellsy in Tieri, had always struggled with swimming due to her lack of confidence and proper technique. However, her passion to make a positive impact in the community drove her to use her learned skills and past experiences to assist children in Tieri.

She took the plunge and became a dedicated learn-to-swim teacher, coach, and lifeguard, determined to ensure that the children in her community were safe and confident in the water.

‘My struggles with swimming were there, and they were real,’ said Perkins.

‘I was told I would see [learning to swim] from a different point of view. I had first-hand knowledge of how hard it is to learn something new for the first time as an adult, which helped me teach a wider range of people. As the years and my experience grew, I have formed a bond with children and the community to give them a safe place to go and find a passion.’

On top of being a learn-to-swim coach and lifeguard, Belynda plays a large role in the Tieri Sharks Amateur Swimming Club Inc.

Her contribution to the community has not gone unnoticed. She was nominated by 7 different individuals for the 2023 Australia Day Awards.

At the event held in Tieri this year, Belynda was awarded Citizen of the Year and Senior Sportsperson/Administrator of the Year.

‘I was really humbled by the nominations,’ said Perkins.

‘The other nominees in the event booklet were amazing, so it was a bit crazy to hear I had won.’

Belynda modestly states she doesn’t think she does anything special. However, it’s clear the Tieri community appreciates her.

If she’s not at the pool, you’ll find Belynda helping at P&C events, volunteering at the school events or participating in other sports club fundraisers.

‘I don’t really think about it,’ she said. 

‘I really enjoy seeing other likeminded volunteers helping and showing their passion and commitment to the community’.

‘If somebody needs something, I say, ‘what do we need’ and I lend a hand where I can.’

Belynda coordinates her programs and trainings around other sports and school bus schedules so children have to opportunity to attend rather than having to choose one sport or miss out altogether.

‘We really enjoy sitting at the table after morning squad eating breakfast and chatting about the day ahead and what their goals are for the future.’ She finished.

Belynda is an exceptional woman and a deserving Australia Day award winner. Her year has been made with these awards, thanks to community members who recognised her passion and commitment towards bettering her community.

Do you know someone like Belynda? You have the chance to make their year by making a nomination.

To nominate someone for council’s annual Australia Day Awards across the region, head to the website.

Show your support for Belynda and join the Tieri Sharks Facebook group here.