Going purple for Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month
Posted on April 28, 2023
The trending colour for May is purple, in honour of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
Throughout the month, council, Queensland Police Service and Catholicare CQ will join forces to host various events and initiatives.
One initiative is lighting up the Emerald council building purple. Council will also co-host a candlelit vigil ceremony and an anti-violence march.
The candlelit vigil will be held on Tuesday 2 May 2023 from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm at the Central Highlands Regional Council Emerald office forecourt (Corner of Egerton and Borilla Street).
The march will be held on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 9.30 am beginning at CatholicCare (141 Egerton Street, Emerald) to the Emerald Town Hall. Morning tea will be provided in the Town Hall supper room following the march.
This year’s theme, ‘It’s in our control to end coercive control’ with hashtags #endDFV #endcoercivecontrol and #DFVPM2023 aims to educate and advocate against an abusive pattern of controlling and manipulative behaviours within a relationship.
To learn more about Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, see the official Queensland government website here.
For more information on the candlelit vigil and the march, contact CatholicCare at 1300 523 985.
To seek confidential advice and support regarding domestic and family violence, call DVConnect Womanline on 1800 811 811 or Mensline on 1800 600 636 or by contacting CatholicCare.