Green-thumbs get ready
Posted on March 15, 2023
The next green waste pop-up event is this Sunday 19 March 2023. The event will run longer than before, from 7.00 am until 2.00 pm.
This coincides with Lochlees landfill closing on Sunday for the completion of the boom gate installation.
‘We were extremely happy with the community taking advantage of this initiative,’ General Manager Communities John McDougall said.
‘Over 250 vehicles across the last 2 events, and we expect a large number again this weekend.’
Mr McDougall also spoke about the Glasson Street facility.
‘The process has been longer than we had hoped,’ he continued.
‘We wish it was as simple as trucking the green waste from Glasson Street to Lochlees, but that’s not the issue,’
‘The issue is about how much green waste Glasson Street can contain within a period of time,’ he said.
‘Council will inform the community when there is any change at Glasson St, but in the meantime, council will host more green waste pop-up events for the community in Emerald.’
Green waste can be dropped off on the corner of Rifle Range Road and Campbell Ford Drive near the standpipe.
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