Happy HOWL-idays to all! 

It’s hard to resist their furry paws and flappy ears, eyes full of expression and endless snuggles but this holiday season, council is urging residents to think carefully when considering a furry friend as a gift. 

A pet often seems like a fun addition to the household but it’s important to consider the lifelong commitment they bring. 

Things to consider include vaccination, de-sexing and registration, food and medications and of course, all the associated bedding, toys and cute collars that are available! 

‘Owning a pet is a huge commitment that takes careful planning and preparation,’ said General Manager Communities John McDougall.  

‘Pets seem like a fun surprise, but the reality of the physical and financial requirements soon begin to show themselves, once the holiday decorations have been packed away,’ he continued.  

If you do become a new pet owner, be aware that microchipping and registration are requirements under Queensland Legislation. Microchipping can be done with a local vet and registration with council can be done at any of our council office locations or via the online portal. 

For more information on responsible pet ownership, visit our website page here.  

If you have any enquiries, please contact council on 1300 242 686.