It’s ‘Get Ready Week’ across Queensland!
Posted on October 10, 2023
Council is urging residents to be prepared for extreme weather events in the coming months.
High rainfall at the beginning of the year followed by dry conditions over winter have led to an increase in dry vegetation across the Central Highlands.
Despite a full backburning schedule from August, the unsually high amounts of fuel have seen fires cause problems for residents across our communities.
‘It’s important to be prepared,’ says Mayor Kerry Hayes.
‘Behind the scenes, council and local emergency services are ensuring our plans are up to date so that we can effectively monitor and respond to any severe weather events this summer—but residents play a role also’, he continued.
There are many things you can do this ‘Get Ready Week’ to help you and your family be prepared, including organising your household emergency plan and packing an emergency kit.
What to pack and how to stay safe during times of crisis can be found on the Get Ready Queensland website.
Mayor Hayes encourages all residents to visit councils Emergency Management Dashboard, the region’s comprehensive base for information on road conditions, flood camera footage, power outages and fire incidents. The dashboard also has links to emergency news, useful contacts, imminent weather warnings and an option to receive emergency SMS notifications.