Residents ‘pumped’ to try new BMX track!

The Emerald BMX track has recently received new and improved upgrades.

These upgrades consisted of, track resurfacing, stabilisation of the starting hill, drainage repairs, and a new starting gate imported from France for a quick release.  

The BMX Club has been in formal operation since early 2016. From a small group of around 12 riders, they now have a membership that numbers over several hundred.

The club has two main sessions where the riders can either practice or race against each other, with training sessions running from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm every Tuesday afternoon and the main racing nights each Friday evening starting at 6.00 pm. There are roughly 50 – 60 riders of all different ages who attend the Friday night races.

Council received a Work for Queensland (W4Q) grant for $200,900 to complete these upgrades.

President of the Central Highlands BMX Club Tim Tebbatt commented on the works.

‘The kids, without fail, are over the moon at the quality of our new facilities,’ said Tebbatt.

‘Thanks to the generous funding injection provided through CHRC, we have had major upgrades to the track surface, starting hill, and starting gate.’

These upgrades have allowed riders to learn and progress with the sport of BMX racing to a state, national and International level, therefore able to train in a facility that is at least the equivalent of all the other major clubs throughout Australia.

‘As a direct result of the upgrades to the track and facilities, the Central Highlands BMX Club is now able to actively pursue the staging of a Qld State Series round to be held at our track, which will result in a huge cash injection to our community’ said Tebbatt.

President Tebbatt also made mention of the importance that BMX has on our community.

’BMX provides young people with an opportunity to learn, explore and challenge themselves through riding. Our track encompasses a series of jumps suitable for all riders, regardless of the participant’s skill level.’

’Not only does BMX riding encourage young people to be active, it also provides a great location to engage with the community,’ continued Tebbatt.

‘We as a club are incredibly proud of the opportunity that council has generously lended to us.It gives all the kids and kids at heart a place where they can have huge amounts of fun an exercise at the same time!’

The Works for Queensland (W4Q) program supports regional councils to undertake job-creating maintenance and minor infrastructure projects. $200 million was allocated to 65 councils outside of South-East Queensland in 2016–17, $200 million in 2017–19, $200 million in 2019–21, and $200 million in 2021-24.

To find out more about the Works for Queensland Program, go here 👉