Rolleston Rag gets snappy with council-funded photography workshops
Posted on September 27, 2023
Rolleston is a quaint community in the southern part of the Central Highlands region with a close-knit community of hard-working and resilient residents.
Like with any small town, the local newsletter is one of the few reputable ways of getting the facts on what’s happening around town.
Fittingly named the ‘Rolleston Rag’, Rolleston’s newsletter has been around since 1975 and has provided volunteer opportunities for residents for many years.
Earlier this year, the rag received a Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) of $7,250.00 to host a series of photography, social media and podcast workshops that would take the rag to the next level and teach interested locals about storytelling.
Well-known rural photographer and podcaster Stephanie Coombes was the one to make this happen.
‘Stephanie was an excellent facilitator who understood our town and community members,’ said Rolleston Rag collator Trina Patterson.
‘She helped us learn how to document and communicate moments in time,’ she continued.
‘The workshops have encouraged locals to advertise our wonderful area, tell stories of our history and develop a hobby that improves mental health in our remote location,’ Ms Patterson said.
‘Not to mention, the workshops have been a great way for everyone to connect and explore their creative sides.’
In addition to the public workshop that was held, Stephanie also provided a workshop on photography for students at the Rolleston State School.
‘People who live in rural and remote areas often miss out on activities like these, mainly because the educator is not willing to travel,’ said Ms Patterson.
‘But in this instance, Stephanie embraced the opportunity to come to Rolleston and impart her knowledge.
‘Everyone in town is really grateful that she came, and we hope to do more workshops like this in the future,’ she said.
RADF is a partnership between the state and local governments to invest in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland.
Are you part of a club that could benefit from a Regional Arts Development Fund? Keep an eye out on our website for upcoming application dates here.