Works commence on All Abilities Park in Blackwater

Works have commenced on the All Abilities Park in Blackwater to remove broken and vandalised play equipment, remove fencing, open the area up to better visibility from passers-by and to install a space for quiet seating and contemplation.

‘The All Abilities Park has been subject to continuing vandalism and the severity and frequency has increased significantly over the past six months,’ General Manager Communities John McDougall said.

‘As a result of feedback received at CRG meetings and through our CRM system, council agreed to address some of the most urgent issues in the park by conducting the initial works.

‘All broken equipment has been removed. The broken tiles at the front entrance, tables and chairs will remain, however the shade cover over one of the tables is in danger of collapse and will be rebuilt.’

Council will engage with the community to find the right way forward. They will consult with a wide range of stakeholders about the future not only of All Abilities Park but also future plans for Dempsey Park which is scheduled for upgrades.

‘Council recognises the importance of the space however over decades and through demographic and societal changes, parks themselves often undergo change.  It is important that the current residents of Blackwater have an opportunity to influence the design and that the design responds to the current challenges within the space while honouring its history and links,’ Mr McDougall said.

The cost of stage one of the project is $100,000.  A second stage of funding has been sought in next year’s budget and if approved, what changes may be made will follow full community consultation on options moving forward.

Similarly, budget has been sought for upgrades to Dempsey Park next year.  It will be for the wider Blackwater community to decide the future design of these two much-loved spaces.

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